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grizzlykeeper July 18th, 2005 04:29 AM

The early bird catches the WORM
I recently started getting the WORM_VB.AS worm embedded in files I've downloaded through Limewire. I'm wondering how come.

I scan all my files with Trendmicro PC-cillin and here's what they say about the WORM:

This memory-resident worm propagates via the peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing application LimeWire.

Upon execution, it displays the following message: Version has expired please download software update

Trendmicro deletes the offending files which generally are the set-up files

Has any one else experienced this.

WHY_be_NORML July 19th, 2005 12:42 AM

worms make me crazy
I was crazy once
they put me in a big white room
I died there
they burried me in worms

worms make me crazy
I was crazy once
they put me in a big white room
I died there
they burried me in worms........

sorry I just had to do that and i have no idea what
that worm thuingy your talking about is I just wanted
to sasy the "worm song thatnever ends"thats all


Wild Peach July 19th, 2005 07:40 PM

Ummmmm.....soooooo......I've gotta go there, are you on your **** 'cause although you're quite literate, I wonder where you were going with that whole just don't hear that everyday....

FBI September 30th, 2005 06:08 PM

I get that a lot.

I think that is either stupid users w/o virus protection or antipirates like overpeer.

Anybody have any idea?

Why_be_nomal -- emo is evil. listen to real music.

Sphinx September 30th, 2005 06:19 PM

You can only get those if you download illigal, pirated software, games, exe and zip files. I suggest you get yourself a better anti-virus protection program to be on the safe side. ;) If you download from T1's or T3's and Higher, thats the hosts that will most likely contain the viruses and modem users with stick zip files in with viruses/worms so becareful.

Lord of the Rings September 30th, 2005 06:23 PM

* WARNING: Viruses on network you should be aware of! but yes some AV programs will have different names for the same virus. Not forgetting vpossible virus variations.

FBI September 30th, 2005 06:41 PM

Legal downloads aren't immune to viruses, Sphinx.

Sphinx September 30th, 2005 06:43 PM

Didnt say they were but you'd be hard pressed to find a legal piece of pirated software on Gnutella, when you do let me know. a piece of cracked software contains viruses/trojans in the cracks. Music/MP3 files are the only files that wont contain a virus. If you go software hunting and game hunting you will get a virus. Simple as that. whether its legal or not. why do you think the gnutella users like to let people download such files eh? Everyday on here theres posts about getting infected. gee, I wonder why?

FBI September 30th, 2005 06:49 PM

ID3 virus
I heard something about viruses being transmitted in ID3v2 tags. I don't get how that would work, but I'm not a programmer.

Sphinx September 30th, 2005 08:20 PM

By music files I mean only MP3s. I have yet to get a virus from an MP3 file. I dont dl any of those other extensions. ;)

I dont see how a virus can be transmitted via ID tag though. That sounds too far fetched. Viruses need a form of an .exe extension and are usually very small in file size, unless they are embedded in the software its self.

Always play it save when using P2P.

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