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shelleyann65 July 18th, 2005 02:45 PM

Billling inquiry
I am just posting this to maybe find out if anyone might have or know anything about billing for this service. I live in Canada and i know I just paid for this service as a basic limewire custumer. i have just got billed again on June 28th, same on May 28th by and not sure if it is this provider billing me how do I find out. please help me if you can. i would appreciate it. Thanks.

ukbobboy01 July 19th, 2005 01:35 AM

Scammed, another victim
Dear Shelley

It seems that you have fallen victim to a scam site, and now that they have your credit card details they are going to milk you for all you're worth, unless you cancel your credit card.

Limewire is free and LW Pro costs $18.88, and for that you get 6 months worth of updates/upgrades. There is no membership, monthly subscriptions or anything else.

Check out this link (advice given to other victims):

Also, you should only download LW or LW Pro from here:

If you got it from anywhere else then you were ripped off and what's worse the scammers have decided to bill you monthly for nothing.

It is probably too late to get your May payment back but, with some luck, you may get your June payment back if you act now.
And don't forget to cancel your current credit card, unless you like throwing your money away.

UK Bob

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