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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 22nd, 2005
Join Date: July 22nd, 2005
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paotri is flying high
Default Spyware in Limewire ???

Although it is repeated all over that Limewire has no Adware or Spyware, Pest Patrol reports many DLL's included in the Limewire installation as Spyware or malicious code.

Who should I believe in?

  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 22nd, 2005
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Hi paotri,
Use the search function (top right, between f.a.q. & home). This topic has been dealt with at length on the forum, you'll find some answers.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 23rd, 2005
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paotri is flying high

What I did is let Pest Patrol clean the "infected" files. Now it doesn't report any evil and LimeWire still operates perfectly.

If it was adware, or spyware or errorware, it doesn't matter now.


  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 23rd, 2005
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im pretty sure of this but dont hold me to it.. limewire does not have any dll's.

look at my siggy down there \/
  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 3rd, 2005
Join Date: August 3rd, 2005
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majora2007 is flying high

Limewire does contain spyware. In fact, it contains a few traces of it, including PRO. It contains KaZaA, Grokster, and a few others. Grokster installs: Active Delivery, CasinoOnNet, ClipGenie, CommonName, Cydoor, DelFin Media Viewer, DownloadWare, eUniverse, FavoriteMan, FlashTrack, Gator, IGetNet, IGetNet/ClearSearch, IncrediFind, IPInsight, Look2Me, Lycos.SideSearch, NetworkEssentials, NetworkEssentials/SCBar, PeopleOnPage, RVP, SAHAgent, Search-EXE, SearchEnhancement, TOPicks, VX2/e, VX2/f, and Webhancer. It also degrades your network performance vastly. You can't fully remove KazaA and Grokster unless you remove limewire and scan your computer and remove these programs. These are located in the magnet folder and the registry.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 3rd, 2005
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ImSteve is flying high

Originally posted by majora2007
Limewire does contain spyware. In fact, it contains a few traces of it, including PRO. It contains KaZaA, Grokster, and a few others. Grokster installs: Active Delivery, CasinoOnNet, ClipGenie, CommonName, Cydoor, DelFin Media Viewer, DownloadWare, eUniverse, FavoriteMan, FlashTrack, Gator, IGetNet, IGetNet/ClearSearch, IncrediFind, IPInsight, Look2Me, Lycos.SideSearch, NetworkEssentials, NetworkEssentials/SCBar, PeopleOnPage, RVP, SAHAgent, Search-EXE, SearchEnhancement, TOPicks, VX2/e, VX2/f, and Webhancer. It also degrades your network performance vastly. You can't fully remove KazaA and Grokster unless you remove limewire and scan your computer and remove these programs. These are located in the magnet folder and the registry.

this is nonsense...did you download LW from a bogus site?..if you did that would explain all the crap it dumped on your computer...I use the top spyware scanners (ADAWARE,SPYBOT,SPYSWEEPER) and have NEVER ONCE found anything negative related to could also be that the spyware you found was not part of LW but came from something you DOWNLOADED using LW...LW itself is clean. period.

thank you and have a nice day
  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 3rd, 2005
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majora2007 is flying high

Imsteve, first I downloaded LW from this site: Second I also use top scanners(PestPatrol, Microsoft AntiSpyware Beta, Ad-Aware SE, Spybot: Search and Destroy, Spy Sweeper, etc.) But I also searched the registry for keys which indicate what has been installed on my computer. I have tested LW and LW PRO they both have the same thing.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 3rd, 2005
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did your run tests on your computer before you installed limewire? limewire is opensource anyways, if you dont believe them, just look at the source code.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 3rd, 2005
Join Date: August 3rd, 2005
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majora2007 is flying high

Yes I did run tests on my computer before limewire. I run tests every week. I have looked at the source code and I didn't find anything bad in it, but my question is why does limewire not let there be any clean limewires out (which the only one contains cydoor) and why is there no EULA with the software.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 3rd, 2005
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limewire comes ABSOLUTELY free of that crapware, if you dont want to install it, you can always download the source code and build it yourself, atleast thats peace of mind if you dont believe the folks at limewire.

there is no EULA, well technically there is, but its called the GNU GPL (WWW.GNU.ORG) which is a license for free and open source software.

[edited the gnu link: the tld is .org instead of .com like i had it before.]

Last edited by ultracross; August 3rd, 2005 at 09:53 PM.
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