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limekiller July 31st, 2005 06:53 PM

Limewire Pro Is A Rip Off!! (read Here)
limewire pro is so bad i just got it yesterday and it was exactly the same as limewire instead the skin is different i mean if i want a different skin i can just download the skin and install it. why would i want to get limewire pro? and guess wat if u search under limewire pro u can find it on the limewire search itself. just to tell u don buy limewire pro IT SUCKS (no offense).

not_satisfied98 July 31st, 2005 07:09 PM

I second ur motion. It took me an hour to get it and Then i figured theres no difference.

zbucket July 31st, 2005 10:31 PM

You guys have to be joking right? I mean limeware pro lets that little speed bar in the bottom corner turn blue and says turbo charged. Sure it doesn't actually seem to make any noticable difference to searches or d/l speed or anything like that, but hey, it's blue!!!

Grandpa1 July 31st, 2005 10:53 PM

Well Well Well so you got burned. Glad it was'nt me I just looked at the adertisment on the download page Hmmph it says better search results well lets see yeah I use both versions most of the time I get better search resuts with Pro not always but most of the time so I guess that is true. Then it says turbo charged download speeds well I will have to say true because most of the time I will get more connections per file. Oh Yes and did I mention That I can watch them both work at the same time side by side. Sorry you got burned but I am sure glad it was'nt me.

ukbobboy01 August 1st, 2005 12:59 AM

Well Grandpa1

I am an LWPro user and, I must admit, I have never used LW so I have always assumed that LWPro is better than LW, so your reasonable view on a side-by-side comparison is well appreciated.

Saying that, you always seem to have a balanced view on things, e.g. virus scanners, and I for one really appreciate it, what you write is based on experience; you give both sides of the story and come to a well-reasoned conclusion.

Grandpa1, the youngsters in the forum could learn a lot from you, instead of saying something is bad (i.e. sux) they should say why it is bad and what is this "badness" based on, but that would be too much to ask.

Keep doing what your doing.

UK Bob

Wild Peach August 1st, 2005 07:52 AM

Grandpa and UK Bob:

Second those thoguhts! I suppose there are lessons only time and life can teach the youngsters...oh, the impetuousness of youth...LOL!

Hugh Hill August 1st, 2005 12:02 PM

Lime Wire Took my credit card details and charged me £38 for basic is that legal?
hey is there a sign up fee for lime wire basic? if not then they have charged my credit card almost £40

Billabong654 August 1st, 2005 12:08 PM

Granpa and ukbobby
i can take a hint, and yes I will try to be more bias on my answers

Hugh Hill
you got scammed, Limewire Basic is free and pro is onle like 18.99$ don't know what that is your currency though

Grandpa1 August 1st, 2005 07:06 PM

I don't think that was ment towards you Billabong. I think it was ment in general. Thanks for the compliment ukbobby.

Billabong654 August 1st, 2005 07:33 PM

I know but bobby had something before about how I state my opinion and don't give a reason why(he was right though), so i thought i would mention it

justadude August 2nd, 2005 12:52 PM

if you have 30, no wait 40 bucks you wanna spend to get a new skin and blue bar then go ahead, however since limewire basic is free, and it does pretty much the same thing..... however limewire does need some chaching to pay for the movies that are still in the theatres and the complete albums that arnt out yet so, go pro! jk

rkapsi August 2nd, 2005 01:54 PM


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