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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
Join Date: March 18th, 2005
Location: North UK
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geordie_the_parrot is flying high
Default Why?.... This is getting beyond a joke now.

Hi all,
Time for a rant, I'm afraid.
OK, I know Limewire is free unless you use the Pro version like I do.
I know we get to watch movies and stuff for free.
I can't complain about that 'cos free is good.
What I CAN have a rant about is the content of the stuff I download.
I'll explain.
I wanted to download the movie "********" with ********. Put that in the search area and dozens of available downloads appeared appeared. I knew from past experience what may happen so I clicked on 6 of them and downloaded them all.
What were the results?
3 porn movies.
2 x The ****** movie
1 x The ******** episodes.

OK, I know that some of the people I downloaded from are only sharing files they downloaded themselves but c'mon. How long does it take to notice it's the wrong title, go to the file where it is uploaded from and change to the proper name?
The bad part too is that all the people who try to download it from me will think that I'm the culprit.
But the main question is.............
Why the hell put the wrong title on the film in the first place?
OK, Rant over.
I feel a bit better now.
Have a stress free day on me.

Last edited by Sleepless; August 6th, 2008 at 04:22 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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ultracross is flying high

true, the answer to that lies in the users themselves.

at first i thought you were going to start blaming limewire for the content.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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geordie_the_parrot is flying high

I didn't mean to give that impression at all. Far from it. I am delighted to have found Limewire and I have absolutely no hesitation in passing the word.
The problem is a very small minority of the users who act maliciously and another small percentage who can't be bothered to change the name to the proper title.
The thing is that you only need to put the wrong title on one film and it spreads like wildfire.
I had over 40 people downloading the film from me before I renamed it. So within 3 or 4 layers, you have 1000's of instances of the wrong film being downloaded.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
Join Date: August 17th, 2003
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limewire is flying high

Is there some problem previewing movies that I don't know about? If you preview your movies and don't share incompletes this shoudln't be a problem.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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geordie_the_parrot is flying high

Re previewing files.

Hi, I am aware of the feature but when I tried to use it on these "films" I got a pop-up window saying there was a problem viewing the files. I get this a fair bit. What happens I thought, maybe wrongly, is that the file needed codecs that were not available in the preview.
I have downloaded several films with this pop-up and no preview available but when I click to play the full thing, (after virus scans etc) using VLC Media player, it works fine.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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usually on avi files, you cant preview them because (i think) the beginning and the end of the file are needed to play.

also, scanning any audio or video format isnt neccisary, but its not harmfull. viruses cannot be added to these formats since they use codecs (a type of format security sandbox that can only execute audio/video databits that is not executable on any system)

they are kind of like .txt files that only have words in them, and thus cannot be executed.

but wma/wmv files can be set to use the DRM license acquisition to have YOU install malware, viruses, spyware/adware and other nasty things onto your computer. i would recommend not downloading these types at all.. and most spam is generated with these formats.

Last edited by ultracross; August 6th, 2005 at 05:54 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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geordie_the_parrot is flying high

Hi, I just want to make it clear that the pop-up I mean is NOT the same as the licence one. This one is purely giving information.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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ultracross is flying high

i didnt infer that you meant that at all. im pretty sure i understood you correctly.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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I understand how it feels when you download something and it turns out to be some stupid porn thing. I was trying to find pictures of video game characters. I did find pictures about them but it was of them being raped and whatnot. Needless to say I was NOT impressed.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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ultracross is flying high

ROFL! sooo many images just went through my head, i think i even so yoshi being attacked, and i think i saw all the pokeman/digitman/magic/yugyoh and all that crap-to-feed-childeren-games getting attacked and raped aswell.. i never understood kids and their fantasy crap. american parents need to take that stuff away from there kids, its ruining america! (i even think LOTR was corrupted by it)
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