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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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Question Limewire and Itunes

I have both the latest versions of Limewire and itunes downloaded on windows xp, however I can't trasnfer files from one media player to the other, can anyone help??
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2005
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rwnugent is flying high

This is the closest thread i have found that sounds like what i need to know. sorry there are just too many threads here for me to go through each one.

I want to know how I can get all the songs I have ripped from CD to iTunes from iTunes to Limewire so that I can share them.

I have found plenty of threads about getting songs from limewire to itunes but none for going the other way. help me out and everyone will have plenty of music to choose from.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2005
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rwnugent I have spent a while trying to suss out your question which seems to be posted as a sub thread in the Bearshare forum and here under a different heading ... hense no reply. I'm tired, thinking a bit shakily and going to bed. search the forums with the search button ...if no luck start your own thread clearly titled and choose the correct forum.

I have one thought which is this.
Ensure all your iTunes tunes are in 1 folder, and share that folder. If your iTunes tunes are scattered around you will find things confusing. I am not quite sure how iTunes works on Windows, but on my Mac all my limewire tunes go into iTunes and I share selected iTunes subfolders.

The forum rules at the head of the forums are a useful guide on how to get the best from the forums.

Good night
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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rwnugent is flying high

Ok even though you didn't exactly answer my question I figured out how to do it.

On my comp I had to go to this address in my computer. This is the folder where my iTunes music library is stored.
C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music

I found it by right clicking a song in my iTunes library and then left clicking on "Show Song File". That leads you to the specific song you selected then just edit teh address in the address bar down to the iTunes Music part and click go. It opens that folder.

Open Limewire and go to "Options" then click on "Sharing".

In the box showing the the folders you are sharing copy paste the address of your iTunes music library and click add. Limewire will then begin adding the files to your Limewire library.

You can see where the files were added by looking in the lower left corner of Limewire where it shows how many files you are sharing.

The only problem with this I can think of is that it will recopy all the songs you have in Limewire that you already copied to iTunes. I don't know if that is how it works or not but I do know I now have all my music available for downloading to the rest of the Limewire users.

btw I am running Windows XP. have a nice day

Last edited by rwnugent; September 6th, 2005 at 06:37 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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Sheesh don't you people EVER look at the Stickys in the forum. Don't you think these questions have been asked almost a thousand times already! doh
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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rwnugent is flying high

thats the problem. there are too damn many threads to read through each one to see if it has the answer i'm looking for. sorry if i made another one. i searched for a thread before posting in this one. i just don't have the time to read through that many threads to find one. all of them i read seemed to address how to get files from limewire to iTunes and/or iPod. I wanted to get them from iTunes to being shared on Limewire. As far as I can find this is the only postr addressing this question. Maybe you should repost this as a sticky and title it peoperly for me since I don't have moderator controls.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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Well if you look at the titles of the threads in red, then you'll very very quickly know which one to see. There's also one about albums which has an offshoot link which shows how to share songs via iTunes. It doesn't take much time looking thru Stickys. lol

Originally posted by rwnugent
thats the problem. ... i just don't have the time to read through that many threads to find one.
Forum Rules (click here)The more I think about this, you are warned, you search your topic before posting. That's what the search button above is for. That's also what the stickys are there for. To answer the most commonly asked questions. And how to share files from iTunes has been answered by me personally many, many times. Too many times to count. Haven't got enough time huh! Why should anybody give you time. Careful how you answer that if you dare. Do you think we waste time putting stickys up just to decorate the forum. Over 95% of all questions asked on this forum have been asked before!

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; September 6th, 2005 at 06:32 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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rwnugent is flying high

ok I am still going through stickys and threads looking for one that addresses the problem I was having. Even though I have solved my problem I still want to see another thread addressing this peoblem. I went to the open discussions forum and looked at almost all the stickys at least the ones that looked remotely like they may have an answer. I even went through almost all of them in the MAJOR TOPICS for Open Discussion HELP thread and several of the links that are linked from there. Anyways Only A Hobo gave me an idea or got me thinking on how to do it and I figured out the rest. I think I gave a pretty detailed explanation as to how to go about sharing your entire iTunes library.

I did notice one thing though. The titles of the music I have purchased from the iTunes music store show up in red text in Limewire while all the music titles I ripped from CDs show up in black text. I'm not sure if the red ones are not being shared because of a license issue or what.

btw Lord of the Rings maybe you could make a sticky out of this thread or at least my part of it that deals with this exact issue and retitle it clearly stating that it is about how to share your iTunes library and maybe you won't have to deal with someone else like me in the future. lol
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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Hi rwnugent .. glad I sent you off on a voyage of discovery ..! sorry I was much too tired last night to think straight!

You can not share tunes bought from the apple music store as you rightly guess they are protected. In iTunes you can right click on the bar at the top of the tunes , select "Kind" from the menu, click on the resulting "kind" column and all your protected tunes will be listed together. I always ensure I do not try to share these.

um..... when you select songs to share in limewire you do not actually copy them to Limewire, as in duplicate them, you just create a path so LW knows where to find them if you understand me.

LOTR and others on the forumare apt to loose it at times as I did last night. The reason that there are so many threads on subjects is chiefly because nobody reads the stickies, and instead yet another thread is created. I guess someone could go throught he forum and delete all the dead wood, but I can tell you for sure, I'm not volunteering ... I'm afraid it is a bit of a catch 22 type situation... the more people who posts questions ( and I know for sure your question has been asked many times and answered), the more difficult it becomes to find the answers, but the answers are all there. The people on the forums who try to help are pretty well used to searching for stuff on a regular basis so we know it can be done
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
Join Date: September 5th, 2005
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rwnugent is flying high

I understand what you are saying about making repetitive threads. that's why i posted in an existing one after searching for something that would address my question. it just seemed to be the closest one i could find. actually by the time i got to that thread i was tired of looking so i just posted a reply in that thread and tried to be as specific as possible. thanks for helping me start thinking of how to do it. i hope my answr will help to prevent future redundance. is redundance a real word? ok anyways c ya
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