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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 8th, 2005
Join Date: August 8th, 2005
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AznKid741 is flying high
Default im just wondering

hey im just about to stat limewire but i still want to know if it is illegal. So please help me.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 8th, 2005
Join Date: August 3rd, 2005
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majora2007 is flying high

The program limewire is not illegal but you downloading files is.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 8th, 2005
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough


You missed something out when you answered AznKid741, i.e. the program limewire is not illegal but downloading and uploading copyright files is.

UK Bob

PS. You can download and upload as much non-copyright material as you like.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 9th, 2005
Join Date: March 9th, 2005
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ImSteve is flying high

this question has been asked so many times (twice on this page alone) that I vote that the next time someone asks we all collectively agree to NOT the past week this has been asked at least a million times.....make a sticky if we must and move on
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2005
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough
Angry Spoon-fed Newbies


I'm in full agreement with you on this one, if newbies bothered to search the forum before asking the same questions time and time again then they would easily get their answer. But I guess they want to be spoon-fed and so just cannot be bothered to look for the answer themselves.

So, from now on, I am boycotting this and any other question that a simple forum search will find.

UK Bob
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2005
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i agree! boycot lazy newbs!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2005
Join Date: August 3rd, 2005
Posts: 32
majora2007 is flying high

Thank You ukbobboy01. I forgot to add that.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2005
Join Date: August 10th, 2005
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Ziggy is flying high

Way to go on and flame newbs, and to promote limewire. Apparently you guys don't want limewire to get bigger. A simple question that you refuse to answer and rudely state, "search". Well I'm sorry, but I for one would like an up to date answer, not one thats six months old, and if noone is willing to answer, then I guess this product is not worth having. I don't have to and will not use a product sponsered and used by people that are constantly rude and ignorant to others when they ask a simple question. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that feels this way.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2005
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we're volunteers.. we may do as we wish on this board while respecting the rules.

yes, i too would like to see limewires userbase become quite big (already is). but im not going to help someone who doesnt want to first help themselves by doing an easy thing called search and read.

even while i was a newb to limewire (we all were at some point) i have a natural curiousity to figure things out by myself. atleast by trial and error.

we do not sponsor this product. we however do use it. if you feel that its not worth it, then use something else eh? it doesnt effect my ability to share my files with others.

rude? no, just tired and frustrated at people that come here expecting this to be realtime support and that they are special enough to deserve it. well i got news for ya, you may have been special to yo momma, but you damn sure is hell not special to me.

ignorant? then why do people ask me/us for advice, tips, and support?

simple questions? yes. alot are. some are even posted as stickies, but even though they have been answered numerous times, and posted as stickies, people still ask the same questions. still simple? well some questions are quite difficult to understand and answer because that person doesnt understand what they are doing. they dont have a clue about technology in general. they expect it to work with there setup without an ounce of configuration. the microsoft people have really corrupted the publics view of "simplistic and minimalistic". although i cant blame them entirely. but limewire was intended to be as easy as it gets. but it still requires configuration and tweaking to get full optimization.

and you are not the only one that feels this way. i can assure you of that. your anger at us is much the same as ours if not more at these drones of people that just "aint gotta clue"

Last edited by ultracross; August 10th, 2005 at 09:19 AM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2005
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rkapsi is flying high

...downloading and uploading copyright files is...


...downloading and uploading copyright files without the permission of the copyright owner is...

This is essentially always the case for Music, Videos etc. that people ripped from CD/DVD and whatsoever. They (e.g. 'Music Industry') have never nor will they ever give you the permission to distribute their work!

Some counter-examples: GPL'ed Software, Creative Commons, Weed Share etc. They're all copyrighted and the licenses define the rules under which terms you can redistribute, modify the files.

The GPL is for example based upon strong copyright laws. If somebody violates the terms of the GPL it falls back to the standard copyright and the copyright owners can take steps like sue the 'thug'. Here are some samples:

FYI: Copyright laws differ from country to country and there's no simple answer. In Germany for example non-copyright work doesn't exist! Each piece of work made by men is copyrighted and the copyright is not transferable (hehe -- I give you the permission to read, modify and quote this message ).
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