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Raphael8206 August 8th, 2005 06:36 PM

trouble finding files
Hello everyone, this is my very first post. Just registered an hour ago. I'm wondering, does sharing more files broaden my access to other files? I've been afraid to, but I guess it's not fair to hold back when everyone else seems to be putting their as*es on the line.

deepblue August 8th, 2005 10:20 PM

Yes! Share your files! It's unfair and rude to take and not give back. As for allowing access to more files I'm not sure. In my experience, yes, the more you share the more results you get and the faster your download speeds are. I'm not sure if it is actually an intended feature of the program or not. I know that there are prefrences of whether or not to allow freeloaders (people shareing low amounts of files) but I also know that this feature was disabled in past versions of LimeWire. Good luck.


Raphael8206 August 10th, 2005 08:00 PM

Thanks for the reply Deep Blue. Yea, I remember that option which allows user's to disallow us "Leeches," from their files. I'll be sharing more files from now on.:D

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