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Fireblend August 13th, 2005 05:17 PM

2 Quick questions.
First, I know there's already a topic on this, but I'm getting porn instead of what I'm typing in my search bar.

Here's a picture:
Here( Warning! Obscene/Innapropiate language in that link!!)
I read the virii sticky, but I already ran Ad-aware, McAfee, and made an online analisys, but I'm still getting them.

Second, is there an option I can look for an specific file? not using keywords, but searching for exactly what I typed? For example, if I try to download ABCD-21, Not to show me ABCD, ABCD 21(w/o the "-", ABCD - 21(w/spaces), etc...


Billabong654 August 13th, 2005 06:46 PM

Does this happen when you searched for movies or songs too

Grandpa August 13th, 2005 07:36 PM

I can confirm the search results did the same search as Fireblend got the same results. I am jealous though he got better search results than me. He shows 3 host with most of the the files in question I only show host. Bummer

Grandpa August 13th, 2005 07:50 PM

It appear that one host some how has done something to make his files appear in searches. I did multiple searches with this guys stuff showing up in all titles probably another spammer doing research on how to get his stuff out. All the searches I did were for movie titles that had nothing to do with porn. Same IP address on all.
Apparently this person is running multiple servers had to block 2 IPs to keep from getting results in searches.

Billabong654 August 13th, 2005 10:30 PM

not to sound like an idiot,but if we know who the host is,isnt there something we can do, i mean i know LW is not moderated anyway, but there has to be something--------
Never mind i know thats a stupid question,because if we could stop him ,we could stop the viruses, Sorry about that

Grandpa August 13th, 2005 10:52 PM

Multiple Ip addresses so far about 10 all are T3 probable my guess any way at this point 1 individual probably renting space on servers. IP addresses will probably change. I do not know that LimeWire could block them even if they wanted to. Some of the new filters they are talking about might be somewhat effective. But spamers will always be looking for and finding ways around any blocking technology developed. One thing to remember. (Anything built by one man can be torn down by another you just have to find the right tools)

Fireblend August 14th, 2005 08:15 AM

Yes, I already realizaed they come from diferent IPs, and it seems it's not a virus, since I have tried with another computer, wich didn't have limewire, and it also happens.

Lt_Snitz August 14th, 2005 01:08 PM

me and my friend checked it out and we figured y this crap shows up everywhere....meta tags. apperently you can put every possible search in the tag so it comes up in every search, and to prove it, put in cheese, or dead guy(or somethin random) it will show up....but im wondering...why the hell do people do this crap?!:confused: :confused:

asdfgh1224 August 14th, 2005 03:33 PM

cause there ****iingg retards who want to mentally disturb people espically uderagers (like me,11) that link is nasty brrrrr fucckking bluetards (srry had to say that from red vs blue)

Lord of the Rings August 14th, 2005 03:49 PM

Yep there does seem to be an influx of porn just recently. I posted less than 2 days ago about it. I tested someone elses complaints & after taking .wmv out of my keyword filters I got the same results. My advice is block .wmv from your search results. Is that really a sacrifice? Let's face it, avi & mpeg are far superior formats than wmv anyway! Tools>Options>Filters>Keywords & type in the word .wmv & press add. Then press the Apply button. For an image sample see Adding keywords to your filters (click on link.)

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