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asdfgh1224 August 27th, 2005 08:51 PM

yah but i didnt like the porn in my pms

Grandpa August 27th, 2005 09:15 PM


I do not condone what you were doing. But I do admire the fact that you admitted the fact that it was you and you quit doing it and are now trying to help rather than hinder and harass. Your reason for admitting and changing your ways I do not know. Whether it was a pride thing saying look at me I did that, or that you realized it was wrong and didn't feel right doing it. I would like to think it was the second and it may well be seeing how you just apologized to asdfgh1224. But truly only time will tell.

Any way nobody is perfect including my self. And I believe that a little argument is good for the soul every once in a while as long as it doesn't go to far.

asdfgh1224 August 27th, 2005 09:43 PM

ok me stop :)

Grandpa August 27th, 2005 09:45 PM

Thank You ;) ;) ;)

zab August 29th, 2005 08:38 PM


Originally posted by raymondjiii
I've done packet tracing on it and it looks like the upnp code is called more than just one time.
Could you please PM/email me the logs of the tracing?

et voilą September 3rd, 2005 09:43 AM

I've done packet tracing too ;) UPnP is called twice, but once for TCP and once for UDP at startup before LW establish connections with peers. There are obviously bugs in LW that prevent a unfirewalled UPnP leave to become an UP :confused:

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