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raymondjiii August 22nd, 2005 02:53 PM

Anyone get uPnP to work ?
I can manually set port forwarding on my linksys router and all is good but I have tried using the uPnP option on my router and configured Limewire to use it as well but it always leaves me as a "leaf" node and when I use port forwarding I get ultrapeer capabilities which is what I want.

(I do not have ultrapeer disabled in the options.)

et voilą August 22nd, 2005 03:00 PM

Salut Raymond, yes it seems there is an issue with UPnP and not being able to be an UP. I don't know why, maybe it is because the UPnP code is called too late/or interfer with the settings that allow being UP.

If you want to be UP in 4.9, you might want to manually forward ports since you are able to do it (congrats).

Ciao ;)

Grandpa1 August 22nd, 2005 09:54 PM


it is because the UPnP code is called too late

et voilą I do believe you are right I have mannaged a few times to get LW to act as a UP by starting a second LW while the first is running.[

raymondjiii August 23rd, 2005 06:49 AM

I've done packet tracing on it and it looks like the upnp code is called more than just one time.

et voilą August 23rd, 2005 03:56 PM

can you PM the user zab about it? He is a LW dev, just describe the problem with UPnP and UPs and link this thread.


ViperGeek August 27th, 2005 07:45 PM

As a data point, I'm using LimeWire 4.9.28 Pro with Java 1.5.0_04 on a LAN connected to a NETGEAR WGT624. When I first brought up LW, it said I had a firewall between me & the 'Net, and nothing I changed in the config would give me pretty bars.

I exited LW and was about to admit defeat, but decided to bring it up again. Within a minute, the firewall brick wall icon went away and I got five blue bars with a Turbo-Charged connection. Using the admin interface to my router, I see that there are two published forwarding ports (6346/udp and 6346/tcp).

Apparently, with some routers and some versions of LW, the magical UPnP stuff does work.

banmicrosofttoo August 27th, 2005 08:16 PM

uPnP is the devil, its developed by satan himself, microsoft. :) i've never seen it work, only in viruses and exploits :rolleyes:

asdfgh1224 August 27th, 2005 08:40 PM

microsoft is better then trolls :rolleyes: and uPnP works for me im behind a router and 2 firewall and i always get blue bars :)

Grandpa August 27th, 2005 08:44 PM


Are you ever going to let it go at least he is trying to help now and not messing with people.

banmicrosofttoo August 27th, 2005 08:49 PM


im glad atleast someone is on my side. he hasn't been on the site in a few hours. he doesn't know i'm trying to figure out how to get limewire past a college/business firewall.

if he's mad at me for all the pictures, im sorry, but the dude from all the horse pictures died.. i bet you can guess from what :D his name was mr hands.
mr hands died for your sins :( nevar 4get.

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