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alix911 September 4th, 2005 04:31 AM

How can I use limewire legally?
I would like to start using Limewire basic and I know that there are ways you can use it legally, but that there are ways to use it illegally. Could someone tell me how I could use it legally and safely (without any nasty suprises on my computer)?

Only A Hobo September 4th, 2005 06:12 AM

Your use of Limewire is legal as long as you do not downlod/upload copyrighted files. and believe me there are thousands of non-copyrighted files out there!

Safety is a more complex subject, Search the forums (button above right) for virus ... There's a lot of reading there, and do not download programme files ... If you intend to stay legal, there is little chance of that ... but ensure you have up to date virus prutection, but remember that virus protection does not always pick up everything!

I hope this helps a bit .... ask if you need any more information

alix911 September 4th, 2005 06:58 AM

how to use it illegally
Thanks. That did help alot. Just one thing- how to I determine which files are copyrighted and which ones aren't?

Only A Hobo September 4th, 2005 07:32 AM

Well ... If you can buy it on Amazon it is copyrighted ... If you can't .... you must use your judgement. It's a bit of a grey area, but there are places like archive. org and magnet-mix (I think it is called) where a lot of totally un-copyrighted files are available. A great number of these have found their way onto limewire.

As an example The Grateful Dead allowed the audience to tape most of their shows and these recordings are freely available and the band are totally happy about it provided no money changes hands. Their studio recordings and a number of live releases as well are Copyright.

I hope this points you in the right direction.

asdfgh1224 September 4th, 2005 09:15 AM

You are not aloud to upload/download prohibited content

Prohibited Content includes any Content that breaks any local, state, county, national or international law. Prohibited Content also includes: (a) Content that infringes upon any rights (including, but not limited to, copyrights and trademarks); (b) Abusive, threatening, defamatory, racist, or obscene Content; (c) Viruses or any other harmful computer software; (d) False information or libel; (e) Spam, chain letters, or pyramid schemes; (f) Gambling or Illicit drugs; (g) Terrorism; (h) Hacking or cheating Content for internet/online games; (i) Warez, Roms, CD-Keys, Cracks, Passwords, or Serial Numbers; (j) Content that is invasive of privacy or impersonation of any person/entity; and (k) Hacking materials or information.

(a)Would refer to, but not limited to:
Copyrighted Movies both DVD rips and bootlegs

Copyrighted Music both CD,TV, and Cassetes and bootlegs

(b)Would refer to but not limited to:
Documents refering but not limited to overthrowing goverment

Any video, document, etc... of obscene content

Terisost plans

(c)Would refer to but not limited to::
Viruses that damage OS' (operating system)

Or any malware

(d)Would refer to but not limited to:

False documents

Trricking people into scams

(e)Would refer to but not limited to:

Spamming the network

Chain letter, scam letter, etc...

(f)Would refer to but not limited to:

How to obtain illegal drugs

Illegal gambling

(g)Would refer to but not limited to:

Terriost, anything related

(h)Would refer to but not limited to:

Hacks for online games

Cheats and mods (witch breaks most EULA agrements)

(i)Would refer to but not limited to:

Cracks, serials for computer software

(j)Would refer to but not limited to:

Credit card numbers

Personal information (age,email, etc...)

(k)Would refer to but not limited to:

Hacking programs

Documents to hack machines

Only A Hobo September 4th, 2005 09:45 AM

That's a big list :) written in long winded legaleze... where did it come from just curious?? :)

asdfgh1224 September 4th, 2005 09:46 AM

I took the top part from one part of the invisionfree TOS then edited it to the Limewire standerds, the bottom part was written by myself

alix911 September 4th, 2005 02:41 PM

how i can use it legally?
Thanks for your help and I'll kepp what you have said in mind.
There are just two things that I am still uncertain about.
(I am very cautious of what I do at the moment becuase I have only realised yesterday that I have been scamed by a company that offers Limewire, so I do appolagise.)

1.) If I am unaware that a file I download is copyrighetd and get caught am I still liable to pay a fine or in worse case senario go to prison?

2.) Are all downlaods that are TV programs (say the simpsons) copyrighted, or could it OK to download things like that?

Thanks a bunch.

Grandpa September 4th, 2005 03:09 PM

Maybe the Lord should add asdfgh1224 reply on what is illegal to a sticky.

Nice Work :cool: :cool:

asdfgh1224 September 4th, 2005 04:22 PM


I am not sure on that I dont belive so (as i have done it) but ill look for you i think it depends something like simpsons shouldnt be non-legal due to it being on public accses tv and anyone can edit out comerials so im guessing it isnt illegal as long as trademarks arnt removed but ill check..

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