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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2005
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ldeanjames is flying high
Red face An Apology

An apology to all who were downloading large files from my shared folder this morning (and a couple of other times this past week.) My system siezed up all my programs including LimeWire and I had to hard boot it.
I've found though, if you go back to the same file, it will continue to download from where it was so rudely cut off.
Again, my apologies. It was entirely unintentional, but it has happened several times in the last week. Time to run the old 'puter into the shop.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2005
Sgt Sgt is offline
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Hi Grandma

Thank you for that, do you Know anything about computers?

What Operating system your using
If you do we may be able to get it running properly through the forum

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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ldeanjames is flying high

Thanks, Sgt,

I really appreciate the understanding and the offer of forum thoughts on my computer issues:

I know just enough about computers to be dangerous, but that's about all.

I'm running Win XP Home on a two year old eMachine that's been really trouble free until just recently when I got into LimeWire and started doing a lot of downloading.

It isn't the LimeWire downloads causing the issues, it's my downloading bigger and (I hope) better DVD burning programs. I started with Roxio (came with my Plextor 708A DVD burner) and just downloaded Nero StartSmart Pro (I wanted to see if I could burn some DVDs that would work on my player, not just on my computer.) Since my machine has only a 2800 AMD processor and 512 mbs RAM, I may be pushing it.

Symptoms started out awhile ago, though, as error messages when trying to get into Control Panel (about a missing dll, which I copied from a working XP Home at my job and replaced on my system--it worked once, then whatever is going on corrupted the new dll,) but it would eventually open, if I did a right click on Start, then went to Explore. Now it errors out with Windows help or any help file that relies on Windows. And locks up far too often.

Last night, I was almost certain I had a virus, because the system was locked up tight, the cpu running at 100% and my Norton Internet Security nowhere to be seen. I had to hard boot again (twice in one day.) I ran the antivirus, and my Ad-aware Pro. Norton found nothing, Lavasoft found nine fairly minor files stashed on my system. (Every time I hit different sites on the internet I pick up little bugs of some sort. Really ticks me off.
But don't get me started on that. I'm too long winded with this reply as it is.

Right this minute, my computer is behaving itself (since I'm not asking it to do anything beyond this reply and 8 LimeWire folks uploading movies.) I have a three year carry-in warantee at the store I got my machine from. I need to take it in--like last week--but it's like leaving my right arm at the doctor's to get it fixed. Know what I mean? I fear the real answer to my problems is a bigger, faster computer, which is not in the budget at this time.

Whew, I am really a chatterbox. It's 2 a.m. and I have to start thinking about getting ready for work, got an early shift, so you are all saved from my confusing and over-explained issue.

Thanks again, and again "Sorry" to all those who get booted off when I hard boot the system.

PS Would more DRAM/RAM help my issue? Say a gig more?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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Default PC with similar Specs


Believe it or not, my PC is of similar specifications to yours and is 3 years old next month.

Anyway, first thing I would suggest is not to take a dll from another Windows PC and install it on yours, it is best to download unused dll's from

I have used dll's from them before and they work without any problems.

Secondly, I have found that the more you use WinXP Home, especially after a long LW session, the more it has a tendancy not to behave as it should. To keep things tight I use Norton WinDoctor, which is a part of Norton System Works (2004), this utility keeps windows running the way it should.

Finally, The only real problem I have had is with the new version of LW Pro (4.9.28), it is just not as stable as previous versions.

And as for memory, check before you buy extra memory that your motherboard is capable of accepting it. I have been informed that a lot of WinXP machines were made with motherboards that could only see 512MB of memory, hoprfully your PC is not one of them.

UK Bob
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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Hi grandma

What happened is when you installed the new dll, windows security replaced it back with the old one.

Windows has an inbuilt file protection porgram, so if you overwite any of the operating files it changes it back to it's original file.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 6th, 2005
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ldeanjames is flying high
Cool Thanks Guys!

Thank you so much for the information, both of you. I learn about 10 new things about computers everyday (I only remember one, of course) and as far as I'm concerned, that's the real reason for living...learning.

I upgraded to the beta LW, too, but it's about the only thing that was behaving on my machine. I had no clue that XP would replace a good dll with a corrupted one. That kind of amazes me, because I want to be able to make changes when I have to. The dll from work was good. I know you don't want ini files from other systems because they hold different configurations for peripherals and such, but aren't dll's fairly solid and unchanging. I don't know what I'm talking about of course. When I open ini files in a text format, it's really clear what it does. When I opened the dll, it was hiroglyphics. I shouldn't mess with things I don't know enough about.

But I'd like to tell you my system is running just great now. I cheated and went to Google and ran a search for Windows errors. I followed the link for which offered "free" software. I wrote them some feedback and chided them for the untruth in advertizing while praising them for fixing my system. The software was free, it just didn't do much unless you paid $37 for registering. If I'd been cool, I would've backed out and uninstalled it. I don't mind paying, I just want to be told there's a price for the fully functional version beforehand.

But here the darn program had found over 500 problems on the system, most of them files that no longer went where they belonged. So I paid, registered, scanned again and ran the fix. Oh, what a difference. I can get into the help files, the control panel, etc. without a hint of an error. And the program is right here for me to use again, if I make another mess of things.

I won't tell you how I ran the disk cleanup and uninstalled my video driver/program. It was called ProSavage for heaven's sake and had this monster fiery icon. I learned my lesson though, no more indiscriminate uninstalling. I'll go to Google and look each program up first. Oh, darn, I did tell you about it. Sigh. Thank goodness for the system restore!

Anyway, so much for adventures in broken computerland. I paid for this Nero DVD burning program to go with the free DVDShrink and now I want Alcohol120% instead. Getting your money back from a downloaded program is probably like pulling teeth, so I'll just bite the bullet. Do you think I should uninstall Nero? No one I've talked to at work has had a kind word for Nero. It was the straw last night that broke my computer's back. Plus I prefer programs that don't require a college education to run. I'm slightly dyslexic and technical writing gets all turned around in my head.

Well, I've written another book. I hope I did the right thing in installing and running the fix program. If you've heard anything negative about such programs would you let me know? And let me know how to avoid any pitfalls in them.

Thanks Sgt. and UK Bob (are you really in the United Kingdom? Too cool!)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
Sgt Sgt is offline
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Hi Grandma

Thank you for letting us know how you got on.

Your Computer is running smooth now, that's the main thing

Always read the small print on these websites (Amazing How Many People Don't), and always read between the lines if you get my drift.

Nero Is good for burning a quick Cd ie you want a quick backup of something

Alcohol 120% Is good for making backups (just keep it updated)

I have both

And Yes I Am In Scotland

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
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ldeanjames is flying high

Hi again, Sgt.

That is one of my very favorite sayings! Knowing when it's really broke is the hard part.

Scotland! I have never been there, but I know it is so beautiful. Someday, I'm going to make it that way, maybe see meadows full of heather in bloom with their tiny purple bells.

I've been too busy to even try my new software. Maybe this weekend.

I have another question though about turning off your computer. It's only polite to wait till folks have finished their downloads, but it seems I have 10 or 12 people downloading ALL the time. I really do need to shut down my computer now and then. What d you suggest is the kindest way to do that. Last night I got a hold of one who actually answered the chat line. I told him/her that I had to reboot my system after a software download. Heshe was kind and said "No prblem," but none of the others answered my chat, so they were rudely disconnected. Sigh.

Well, I'm off to bed, late as usual. Sometimes five hours is enough and other times...well, I'm pretty much a vegetable at work at those times.

Have a great evening,
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
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The chat feature in LimeWire does no work very well. Actually it Hadley works at all I would not use that as a determining factor. As far as when to shut down LimeWire, limewire has a feature that you can shut down LimeWire it will stay connected until the people downloading from you finish then it will disconnect.

Personally I do not worry about cutting a person off. I Leave LimeWire on 24/7 for 2 to 4 days at a time I rarely download anything so my give to take ratio is probably 95% give and 5% take.

Even when people gripe about others like me cutting them off it doesn't bother me in reality most people take more than they give. It sounds like you give quite a bit and I thank you for that you are one of the people who make p2p work so if you need to shut down then shut down.
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A little common sense goes a long way

Later Grandpa
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 8th, 2005
Sgt Sgt is offline
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Hi Grandma

I agree with Grandpa If you need to shut It down Then do so

Sometimes Limewire Seems to take over all the resaurces of the computer and it's Time to shut it down

Don't worry about the uploading, they can just get it next time your on, as you know the file should restart

If you want to wait till they have downloaded then goto Tools/options/System Tray, pick shutdown after transfers, Limewire should not accept anymore connections and will shut down once all the uploading/downloading is complete

And Yes I agree Scotland Is Beautiful

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