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LeonMcS September 6th, 2005 09:18 AM

Kazaa court case

Just wondering, does this affect Limewire at all? Every time cases like these are brought up, I never see Limewire mentioned.

Only A Hobo September 6th, 2005 09:49 AM

As this is an Australian case (if I read it correctly), I can't see Limewire being involved or affected by it in any way. BTW they did get a mention in a linked article:

It's interesting and thanks for the info ... I shall watch this space!

LeonMcS September 6th, 2005 10:28 AM

Growth of 824%!!! Fantastic.
I reckon I must be responible for at least 16% of that, bought LW Pro over a year ago (have re-subscribed twice) and have put so many people onto it its not funny.
On the flipside, too much notoriety may be a bad thing. Kazaa was only targetted here in Australia because it was owned by Sharman. This case has been ongoing for awhile, and as mentioned in the article, they will appeal.

Only A Hobo September 6th, 2005 10:45 AM

Well the case against Kazaa does not seem to be a very clear cut one. Tell us more about Sharman? does he have a certain notoriety in Australia? I neaver heard of him before.

Lord of the Rings September 6th, 2005 10:48 AM

Notice the different type of ruling compared to the Grokster case. Different copyright laws in Oz. Not as much government "pull" as the entertainment business & RIAA, etc. has in the USA. And a more equal approach & future foreseeing in comparison. Glad the whole world is not 'totally' controlled by hitler run companies that tell the government which foot to put forward. Kazaa's influenced approach is what got it's foot into the mud patch. Australia will hopefully continue to keep an open mind to the future as suggested. p2p is here to stay.
I hope the Australian trade agreement doesn't affect local laws & influences & culture ... Australia doesn't need to become americanized! National pride amongst other things. Enough of politics. Back to culture & life.

BTW the few cases of p2p legal action in oz have been against mostly idiots. eg: a group of students who downlded music for free from university premises, & then sold bootlegs. They deserved to get their tails kicked. Fools! People who abuse the priviledges are abusing what the concept's all about.

LeonMcS September 6th, 2005 11:14 AM

Its an interesting one to watch. Sharman only got nailed as they bought Kazaa from...Norway? Sweden?...somewhere like that. I was surprised to see them set up base here when it wouldn't have been too hard to move it off shore. From memory the company is run by a woman in Sydney but apart from that, its almost impossible to know anything else about the company. I do recall they bought Kazaa for something like $32 million Aus. (Around 4 pounds 50p in your neck of the woods)
Whereas its probably the most well known of P2P sites it has its many failings as I'm sure your aware. Further from the case,
'The Kazaa file-sharing service, used by millions of people to swap songs online every day, has been ordered to stop the flow of illegal music on its system within two months.

The Federal Court yesterday found the Australian company behind Kazaa, Sharman Networks, had breached music copyright by authorising its users to swap songs illegally.' from The Age.

and also...
'However, Justice Wilcox felt that a total stop to online music piracy might not be possible, and he was anxious that any orders by the court did not shut down file sharing completely.

He ruled that Sharman would have to fit Kazaa with one of two filter technologies - one stops users from sharing files that match a list provided by record companies; the other shows only licensed works and a warning against copyright infringement.

He also ordered Sharman to put "maximum pressure" on current users to upgrade to the new, filtered version.'

So while the recording companies have their nose in front this is far from over. As I mentioned previously, LW may become the big winner out of all of this.

Sorry to prattle on so much. For more articles, check out the technology section at

LeonMcS September 6th, 2005 11:16 AM

'BTW the few cases of p2p legal action in oz have been against mostly idiots. eg: a group of students who downlded music for free from university premises, & then sold bootlegs. They deserved to get their tails kicked. Fools! People who abuse the priviledges are abusing what the concept's all about.'

Totally agree.

asdfgh1224 September 6th, 2005 12:32 PM

canadians are a loud to download copyrighted songs, there just not aloud to share em'

Sgt September 6th, 2005 03:33 PM

Hi LeonMcS

I don't Care about you prattling on so much as you put it, as long as you're providing Valuable info, which you are.

I also Don't agree with limewire is as safe as you think, it has become really big in the last year, which has been noticed by you know who, that is why their is so many fake files, The First Attack against the networks, then come the law suites against the people that make the P2P programs, they tried it in the US going against Individual people, Even going after a 12 Year old for god sake, but have found out the publicity is not worth the hassle, so the're now going after the people that make the software.

Like kaZaa, which is now starting to make a Diffrence


Lord of the Rings September 6th, 2005 03:59 PM

Sgt get your geography correct, yes what you said is a concern in USA & UK, but it hasn't been in the land of oz. No there's been no 12 year olds getting busted in oz. As pointed out above, there's been extremely limited action against individual persons. And that's only because they took full advantage of every single option that came to them & abused the hell out of all options. These people were basically no better than the scammers that people get hit with when trying to get a hold of LimeWire. The people who take a mile when there's an inch to spare. That's very different to the average user. If it was to be a major issue here then we'd sure to hear about it thru the government's thoughts, intentions & changes to the laws. Besides, those international music companies that have bought out local music companies & knocked off local music bands off their recording lists & contracts in favour or their international concepts, might well be careful of their reputations in such a smaller market where market share plays oh such an important part. A controversy they could least afford if people were to start to kick up a rage & abort buying their products. A backlash I would happily support. One of my favourite bands has had to start their own company after being dumped by one of these new international companies. Despite one of their albums never having dropped out of the top 100 in the past 30+ years. I found this out from the manager of the no.1 music (chain) store in this city.

Sphinx September 6th, 2005 10:42 PM

As long as the P2P app uses Gnutella, it can NOT be shutdown by the RIAA. ;)

Sgt September 7th, 2005 04:53 AM

Hi Lord of the Rings

I did not say a 12 year old was busted in the land of oz, She was busted in The US, She was found to have over 2,000 files On her computer, she had downloaded over the KaZaa network, I Don't know how the case came out, but I Do Know the Record Companies Did Get A lot of hassle over it. And have now put out the word to flood The P2P networks with fake files, as I Know personally from 1 of the people paid to do it, he works for a certain Software company I can't name for legal reasons, but he did tell me the way to spot them, It Is, their filling the Id tags with rubbish.


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