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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
Join Date: September 2nd, 2005
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Default How do I chat?

I have the free limewire and whenever some one is downloading off me It says that I can chat to them, but I cant for the life of me work out how!

PS- download El Diablo Dnb mix 02:09:05
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
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You right click on the download and click chat to host. yes ... Don't tell me! I expect you've done that already, and found nothing happens. Very rarely do you even get a dialogue box, which should pop up. You may start typing in it and see a message: host unavailable .. before you have even sent it. Rarely you might even send a message, but the host at the other end may be nowhere near his computer for hours so may not see the message. In short no one bothers much with chat because it is so unreliable. If you manage to have a two way chat, consider yourself lucky.

hopefully limewire will develop a chat feature that works properly, not for lengthy sessions, which can be done on iChat, msn and the like, but just for short notes, which would greatly help stop the spreading of bad and mis-labelled files etc.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
Join Date: February 7th, 2005
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LeonMcS is flying high

Of the twenty or so people I have contacted on chat to tell them they were dloading dud files, only one has ever responded. Most people aren't interested but if I find I've dl a corrupt or misleading file and someone is dl it from me I'll try and drop them a line as a courtesy.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
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Leon, I think it is unfair to say they are not interested ... I have once or twce found a message which was sent to me perhaps a couple of hours before, and not been able to respond, either because the host had gone offline or Chat had come to a halt ... The point is I would have liked to respond, but a/. I was away from the computer when the message was sent, and b/. I dont know for sure if a reply would have got through.

It is so importand to get the messages you are talking about out to the network, and Chat, as is, does not cut the mustard (good expression that what the &^*& does it mean?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
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does not cut the mustard (good expression that what the &^*& does it mean?
I don't know but think it's simmilar to cutting the cheeze but without the smell. lol
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
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I have had people try and chat with me several times and been sitting at the computer when they tried. I have tried to reply and only once did it work. But I just have one dumb question if you have a file that you know to bad why don't you either delete it or move it out of your share file. If every body would remove files they new to be bad there would be allot less them out there.

I myself check every file I download I move them to another folder until they are checked. If they are not good I will try to repair them if I can not repair them I delete them. If I was able to repair them they go to my share file. Please anybody that has a file they know to be bad take them out of your share folder and help the network out.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 7th, 2005
Join Date: February 7th, 2005
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LeonMcS is flying high

I stand corrected on the chat issue.
Regarding dud files, of course i always delete them but at one stage I couldn't if they were being dl'd. None of the video I was dl would preview with any of my players so I usually had to wait until it was complete. That has been fixed by installing the VLC player. Thanks to Lord who recommended it in an earlier thread.

Last edited by LeonMcS; September 8th, 2005 at 12:05 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2005
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Under tools/options/uploads/basic you can disable sharing partial files.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 11th, 2005
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Grandpa said: " you can disable sharing partial files"......

Can some one give me a good reason why saring partial files is even an option?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 11th, 2005
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Have no Idea, in my oppinion it is only good for spreading bad files
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Later Grandpa
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