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Grandpa September 16th, 2005 03:27 PM

Update Comparison LimeWire And BearShare Lite
As I stated in the other thread I ran the comparison test again and I can just copy and paste the results here because they were pretty much Identical. As a matter of a fact I did but this time I have added screen shots because as they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

I Bearshare lite from the official site. The link below

Both Bearshare and LimeWire were running on the same computer. They both had their own incoming and download folders, The shared the same share folder. I divided the download bandwidth in 1/2 between them. I have cable 700MB down I gave each 350MB limits. Upload I have 45MB I limited both to 15MB each. I did my searches and downloads using exact phrases in the search and Downloaded same size files.

I have read in a few post that BS/Lite does not contain spyware and since it had been a while since I tested it I thought I would check it out.

Well the results were as follows I downloaded and installed BS/Lite from presumably the official site. I ran both BS/Lite and LW at the same time I figured it was a good time to test set up different folders for both to DL in both used the same folder for sharing thus the same files available. Newest version of both LW4.9.28 at the time.

Search Results

Both had pretty much the same search results for the same file names at times LW had more other times BS had more but both were pretty much equal.

Download Results

Once again they were pretty much equal here I did DL of 10 files at a time both simultaneously limited DL bandwidth equally between the 2. Some files BS completed first some LW did these files being of same name an size and started approximately at the same time. Some of the files LW found more sources others BS found more about 50/50 here. I must say that LW did complete the total group's of files before BS in all cases about 25% faster.

I did have one thing that changed here. I added a test here where I mixed popular files and files that only had 1 or 2 sources BearShare did find more sources to download from on less popular files and would complete these files about 20% faster.

Upload Results

Here I found BS to kick LW butt it appeared that all the files in my library were available for upload in the 12 hrs I ran the test all files had UL in BS. While in LW only 7 files got UL I have wrote about this problem before but no one has ever been able to explain it to me. They always say that maybe no one wants the other files just proved that one wrong. But I am currently running 4.9.29 and it appears that this issue is not as bad in this version of LW 100 of 564 files available have activity in the uploads column that is a vast improvement over 7 with prior versions. So this may no longer be an issue.

User Interface

Here in my opinion LW kicks BS butt LW to me is allot easier to set up and use there is a better display of information on the LW screen and simpler to use. It is also easier to configure . But this is just my personal opinion and preference.

In my opinion LimeWire is the better of the 2

Any way the results are as I found them and yes I am partial to LimeWire in my opinion it is the best out there. I did reproduce some or the problems that people are currently posting. None of which were LimeWires fault. Will Post that at a latter time have to hit the road right now have a long drive to head back to work my weekend is over.

Computer Usage

This time I did a comparison of memory usage and CPU usage. The results were as follower.Bearshare Lite uses about 30% less memory than LimeWire. But it uses more CPU the minimum for BS was 5% continues with spikes at 40% LimeWire most of the times was 0% with spikes at 16%.


BearShar Lite Has no bundled Software or Spyware

This post has been edited by me originally it said BearShare Lite contained SpyWare. I had relied on Microsoft Anti SpyWare as a checker I had grown to trust it. As it turned out it was un reliable, Sphinx and et voilą both said there was no spyware in BearShare lite. Thus I redid the test 2 more times . Well now I have to take my damm foot out of my mouth and say I posted a false statement and apologize for the inaccuracies. Thank you et voilą and Sphinx for correcting me.

Grandpa September 16th, 2005 03:30 PM

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The Picture below shows the results of various searches as you can see LimeWire did better on some and bearshare did better on some the searches were done simultaneously using exact phrases

Grandpa September 16th, 2005 03:32 PM

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Below is the task manager it pretty much speeeks for itself

Grandpa September 16th, 2005 03:35 PM

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Upload Bear Share shows more activity the screen shot was taken of a exact match of files LimeWire had ran for a 10 Hrs. and Bearshare 2 hrs.

Grandpa September 16th, 2005 03:36 PM

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This is a false Positive MSAS is associating the name BearShare with spyware. Other spyware detectors proved this wrong. And I could not find any in my registry.

Grandpa September 16th, 2005 03:39 PM

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Test after Install False Positive

Grandpa September 16th, 2005 03:39 PM

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More results

Grandpa September 16th, 2005 03:40 PM

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U.SaveNow is present in the registry and can be easily removed BearShare Lite still works after removal.

CyberStalker September 16th, 2005 03:45 PM

Thank you for posting this Grandpa! I was considering trying out BearShare Lite but all it took to change my mind was the fact that it contains Spyware. That's the last thing I need! Thank you for informing us.:D

Grandpa September 16th, 2005 03:46 PM

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