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rbloom September 24th, 2005 04:25 PM

Why a license now?
A few months ago, I paid for a lifetime license, now LimeWire or someone is asking me about a license, and I am being directed to a site to pay .99 for a download? What is going on here? I am new to this, but up till last month I was downloading without a problem.

Only A Hobo September 24th, 2005 05:14 PM


Limewire has never had, sold or required a "lifetime licence"
Limewire does not charge for downloads

Limewire is a p2p file sharing application.

It is available from where the terms are clearly laid out.

If this does not clear things up for you the possibility that you may have bought an un authorized version of Limewire from a site other than the official one, does cross my mind.

rbloom September 24th, 2005 05:54 PM

I bought the lifetime license from someone else, and downloaded the free version of lime wire. Worked great for almost a year, now when I click to download I get a message saying I do not have a license, and I am linked to a site to pay 99 cents.

rbloom September 24th, 2005 08:16 PM

I did not buy lime wire from a scam site, I have the free version. Does that make a difference concerning licensing? It is confusing, I paid someone with my debit card, I cannot remember, but can find out from the bank for lifetime licensing.

I then downloaded lime wire, worked great, this happened about a year ago. The last few months, I have not downloaded anything. Today I tried and I was told I do not have a license, and what I said earlier happened.

Did I get scammed by the license "seller"? Why would it work for almost a year and then die? Think they only sold me the license for a year? Do site exist that sell lifetime licensing for a fee? Yes? No?

rbloom September 24th, 2005 08:17 PM

If I pay for the Pro version of lime wire will I get a license to download??

ultracross September 24th, 2005 09:21 PM

read the license popup alittle closer.. you can still download the file.

rbloom September 24th, 2005 11:20 PM

Thanks for the reply, I will look again. It let me download the file, but when I tried to open it, I was linked to a page asking me to pay 99 cents for the download. Am I missing something??

rbloom September 24th, 2005 11:28 PM

Says the file is a wma. What is that? I am going to try the mp3 and see what happens. Hey it works. Thanks for helping, making me show a little attention to detail. I am back in business!!!

Iron Ron Bloom

Only A Hobo September 25th, 2005 01:03 AM

Ah things are getting clearer. Wma is a windows media file and some of these DO require licences.(nothing to do with Limewire. They(licences) are not available to mac users as I recall, and so I know nothing about them. Stick to mp3 and you should be ok! good luck

rbloom September 25th, 2005 01:17 AM

Yes, everything is working well now. Thanks.

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