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Open Discussion topics Discuss the time of day, whatever you want to. This is the hangout area. If you have LimeWire problems, post them here too.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2005
Join Date: October 12th, 2005
Location: tintern, south wales, uk
Posts: 3
gsus1986 is flying high
Unhappy how do you get support, when they dont have your address??

right, my mum paid for limewire pro, and we recieved the confirmation email for it. however somehow the installer was lost, and i cant find it anywhere (mum doesnt really know anything about pcs! she must have doen something really wrong). now i want to get it back, so i go to and they ask for an email adress (my mums as she was the one who paid and registered in her name). but i was surprised to find that limewire has no record of my mums details anywhere, which was strange for a start because they replied to the very address i entered in order to confirm payment. and there, payment, yes the money was deducted from my mums account.
so we have paid for limewire pro, but we cant get the installer because limewire hasnt got our records.
i think the customer support is quite bad to be honest, as in order to get any support you must enter your email address to get anything done (a problem for me whos details have been lost at limewires end).
so ive turned to this forum in the hope someone out there might have had the same problem, or at least know how i might go about dealing with it! any suggestions please (its annoying being asked to upgrade from basic to pro every time i start up, knowing that in fact i should already be using it).
many thanks guys (p.s. my first time using a forum!)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2005
Join Date: October 8th, 2005
Location: Great White North
Posts: 5
grayjay is flying high

Welcome to the cluuubbb.

It sounds like we were ripped off from a third party....
By sthe sounds of it we are not the first ones (which dosn't make it any easier)

If you paid $18.88 directly to lime wire then you should be entitled to Pro and support.

If you were like me and paid $50.00 american to some third party money grabber


then you may have gotten screwed, and paid good money for something everyone else gets for free.

we have to be carefull and do some research first...

I am still thinking about spending the $20 and getting Pro....
as soon as I find out if it is worth it

Take's all karma and they will get theirs in time
Think of it as a donation to some poor unfortunate's vacation fund
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 12th, 2005
On Holiday
Join Date: April 20th, 2005
Posts: 3,279
Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

gsus ... how much DID you pay? and how long ago, I'm just trying to find out if grayjay is right or not
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