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Only A Hobo November 14th, 2005 03:24 AM

I'm not sure that the RIAA could give a toss about kiddie porn. It's not as if they are upholders of the morals of the community, or the record industry for that matter. They dont get royalties for kiddie porn so why should they care. Now the F.B.I and other police forces ............. that could be a different matter.

I see your post was about the IRRA .... what's it got to do with Research Assessment anyway:) :D

Random__111 November 14th, 2005 05:39 AM

dude really........................ nobody cares bout illegal software apart from those who it is being stolen from.................... Think about it.... Besides where i come from the is no IRRA

Random__111 November 14th, 2005 05:41 AM

Oh and the FBI cares bout kiddie prn if it is so easy to trace somones IP there would be no kiddie prn left in the USA...... What do u think that says bout you sick demented country

Random__111 November 14th, 2005 05:42 AM

Thats if ur in USA

Random__111 November 14th, 2005 05:43 AM

OR Canada or UK or afgan land

Grandpa November 14th, 2005 11:19 AM

This forum does as it states in the forum Rules

Sphinx November 14th, 2005 11:24 AM


dude really........................ nobody cares bout illegal software apart from those who it is being stolen from.................... Think about it.... Besides where i come from the is no IRRA
ROFLMAO. How did I miss this gem? Ahh yes, we get all the loons on this forum, dont we? You know, keep on stealing pirated, software/games, and when you get a nifty virus that whipeouts your hard drive dont come crawling back here to blame Limewire. The RIAA only cares about music. MPAA only cares about movies. You can download all the porn you want, just dont let the FBI catch you downloading kiddie porn. as for software? Why do you think the viruses are flooding Gnutella in the first place? Software makers just love it when you download one of their viruses. :rolleyes:

Lord of the Rings November 14th, 2005 11:37 AM

I have a suspicion this kid also lives "in the middle of the ocean" so Riaa, etc. doesn't quite apply ... at least in the same way.

I'm not going to try to describe the FBI's priorities since I don't live in the same country after all. I live with the fishes. (Go Jaws or Orca (or flipper), go get them!!!) lol :D (Fetch boy -> Destroy/Derarrange/Disassemble!) As I let it off my lead!

Random__111 November 14th, 2005 12:18 PM

Yer well i hate to tell ya but tha spinx fella is right. except for the virus part. It is all about knowing what to download and the amount of hosts avalible on the file. Besides most viruses a caught the second they get on my comp and they dont really do alot of damage. I have shields a protection for this crap. And if you ask me if ur stupid enough to download a prog with the wrong file size (eg soposed to be 320mb but is 851.7kb or similar or just way off your estimate) you deserve to get a virus.

Delabio November 14th, 2005 01:54 PM


Originally posted by Random__111
You silly person.... There is no way for limewire to find you just download anything you want. Limewire can't really stop you.
uhh... that will help a lot :D

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