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Sphinx November 14th, 2005 02:40 PM


(Fetch boy -> Destroy/Derarrange/Disassemble!) As I let it off my lead!


I'll tell you a little secret about stolen, pirated software, it's there for the taking because it's demo versions, with hacks/cracks/viruses/trojans lurking inside the software, it doesnt matter what size it is either. You can download the largest file size which would be an iso extension and it could still be infected with a nasty virus that your AV might not pickup.

Also, I find it amusing that people from other countries think they are immune to copyright law. Software makers DO care abou
their software being stolenwhether or not you think so. Just because it's there for the taking doesn't make it legal for you to download it and just for the record, I AM A FEMALE!!!! :D

wondering why November 14th, 2005 03:30 PM

Get Real Random 111:mad:

Random__111 November 14th, 2005 09:20 PM

You really shoulden't sit and talk about this stuff cause if you can name 1 legal thing that can be done in limewire i would like to hear it cause just admit it.... It illegal to download music....... It's illegal to download software....... It's ilegal to download most video clips on it....... Documents are usually .doc files containing serials...... In fact the only thing thats legal is pics and most pics are easier found on the net (www no p2p servers)....... So unless ur downloadin' kiddie prn u got no reason to go on limewire with ur anti-illegal ways

Random__111 November 14th, 2005 09:22 PM

and no kiddie prn is not legal u sick *******

Random__111 November 14th, 2005 09:22 PM

or should i say bitch

Only A Hobo November 14th, 2005 10:59 PM

Random 111 It surprises me the number of forum users who use Limewire for Legal uses ... There is for instance a huge ammount of public domain music out there. Personally a lot of the music I share is perfectly legal, and the rest falls into a slightly murky grey area. And that is my story and I'm sticking to it when the judge asks me.

But you really have no need to come on here insulting people. Civilized debate can be conducted without resorting to rudeness.

wondering why November 15th, 2005 02:50 AM

random 111
I'd like to know where you get off suggesting that anyone of us who have replyed to this post is into kiddie porn, I'd kindly appreciate you retracting your statement of such, and if you go back to the start and relise that we were giving a newbie advice on what box he or she should pick when it comes to licencing and if you bothered to read forum rules you would relise that talk of illeagal downloading is prohibited in this forum....MORON:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

wondering why November 15th, 2005 02:55 AM

Sorry Hobo I tried to be civilised, but this sort of crap really gets under my skin, and if I may correct myself before moron does I should of said not one of us think kiddie porn is legal....:D

Only A Hobo November 15th, 2005 04:48 AM

<shock - stagger> Such Language......... Wondering Why ... I thought you were appologizing for "Get Real" at first. LOL Don't you realize that using words like "M$&$n" is the sort of thing that' starts wars:D:D:D.

Further comment <SNIPPED> :)

Sphinx November 15th, 2005 12:06 PM


or should i say bitch
excuse me? you retard? You may want to rephrase that you ignorant POS.

oh and new flash you scum: kiddie porn IS ILLIGAL, just like stealing software! :rolleyes:

why are these ignorants allowed on here?

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