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Tinkerbell2726 December 8th, 2005 10:59 PM

I'm new to Limewire and was wondering how you chat with ppl while you're downloading.

6_pac December 8th, 2005 11:14 PM

The chat function in LW is about useless. Do a search on "chat" use the search button (upper right of this page) to find out more.

birdy December 8th, 2005 11:20 PM

Hi Tinkerbell2726,
To start with, you have to have chat enabled: tools >options >chat, then tick 'enable chat'.
When you're downloading: right click on file, then click on 'chat with host'.
When someone's uploading from you: click on 'chat' tab (be patient, sometimes it takes a while for the chat box to appear).
You have to bear in mind that for chat to work, the other person also has to have enabled chat. Also, a lot of the time people aren't sitting at their computer & so might miss your attempt to chat. And finally, most of the time it's just a dog of a thing & doesn't work no matter what...:D

Tinkerbell2726 December 8th, 2005 11:20 PM

Thanks, I found out how to do it. I was just bored and wanted to see if anyone wanted to talk.:)

me d December 10th, 2005 08:16 PM

:cool: weeeell i like the chat function. i only get about 1 for every 10 attempts, but it's fun anyway. also can be helpful, to one or both. i have explained in the chat how to "direct connect", how to chat, how to set preferences. and of course basic chit-chat. who are you? where you from? etc...

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