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sarmajor December 10th, 2005 01:13 AM

Is there a virus in LImewire
I would appreciate some feedback on this matter.

I have downloaded Limewire and my virus checker (Bit Defender) claims that it contains the following viruses. Their names are exactly as listed with both of the full stops (periods).

Application.Limewire.A and

I have not been able to find out anything about this alleged virus at Bit Defender nor on the net.

My other virus checker F-Prot for Windows does not report this virus.

As an alternative I have just downloaded another peer2peer program called Cabos for Windows (from Japan) which claims to use the Limewire format.

Bit Defender reports that this installation file also contains exactly the same two viruses.

It sounds very much like this may be a false alarm but I am not gamed to take the risk of installing either of them until I have some feedback.

Can any one comment?


Grandpa December 10th, 2005 06:01 AM

If you got LimeWire from the official site there are no viruses in LimeWire. The link below will take you to the official site.

LimeWirwe is open source so it is possible for someone to change it and add a virus or spy ware to it. So if you got it from anywhere but the official site it is possible for it to container a virus. But if your virus detector says the official version has a virus then it is giving you a false positive report

john evans January 6th, 2006 12:09 PM

Bit Defender and Limewire
Well I have just experienced the same problem . I downloaded Limewire 4.10 from the oficial website and my bitdefender reports a virus in Limewre . I think the Limewire team should investigate this as there are a lot of people worried wether Limewire is infecting there computers . I certainly won't be using it until I get some answers.

Grandpa January 6th, 2006 12:16 PM

There are literally millions of people using LimeWire none have gotten a virus from Downloading LimeWire from the official site.

My other virus checker F-Prot for Windows does not report this virus.
You can run virtually any Anti Virus software and it will tell you LimeWire is clean. Try Norton, McAfee, Avast, etc. etc. etc.

andie January 7th, 2006 04:09 AM


Originally posted by Grandpa
If you got LimeWire from the official site there are no viruses in LimeWire. The link below will take you to the official site.

LimeWirwe is open source so it is possible for someone to change it and add a virus or spy ware to it. So if you got it from anywhere but the official site it is possible for it to container a virus. But if your virus detector says the official version has a virus then it is giving you a false positive report

People are downloading from the official site.
You are talking crap if you think the official site does not contain spyware, virus etc when it not only can but does.

Only A Hobo January 7th, 2006 05:14 AM

Andie You are a horrid little troll

GO AWAY!!!!!!!! unless of course you do actually have something constructive to say, in which case I'll gladly listen, but you are it seems full of........what was the word you used ... oh yes CRAP

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