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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 14th, 2005
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Question Burning downloaded movies to disc

Complete newbie to LimeWire protocol. How do I burn downloaded video/dvd to discs? Tried everything without success.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 14th, 2005
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This might give some clues Burning using Nero (click on link) although that refers to VCD, it's the same principle. For DVD, you need to choose video dvd output. Roxio Easy CD/DVD creator or Nero 6 & 7 will do the job for you very easily.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 30th, 2006
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shaunpc is flying high
Default same but x-vid

Using Roxio 8 Media creator. I get a file claiming to be a IFO.
This will not play on any DVD player though. Is it a finalizing problem?
I can play them on REAL, Nero, Windows media some.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 30th, 2006
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For DVD it needs to be UDF format. Whilst it is possible to burn dvd's as data disks & they'll play in 'some' players, the official dvd format is UDF.

Are you sure about the IFO. Sounds to me like the info file on a dvd that has all the markers, start points, etc. to show the player where to find anything on the dvd disk.

DVD disks should have at least 2 folders; AUDIO_TS (which is empty) & the VIDEO_TS folder which has all the muxed video files & info files. Some players expect to see the AUDIO_TS folder even though it's empty. The audio data is actually muxed together with the video files.

When burning dvd's, it's often better burning at slow speeds. This all depends on the speed capabilities of your data bus, cpu, HDD speed (including fragmentation), how well your dvd brand works with your burner, etc.

I have the most recent Roxio Toast for mac but only an older version of Roxio for windows so I can't see where you might be going wrong. All I can do is suggest, choose dvd video as the output.

It sounds to me like if it will only play on your computer, then the format is data & not DVD-ROM (UDF). The other possibility is you're using dvd+/- format disks & your dvd player will only play one of those formats. Roughly compared, the difference between dvd+ & dvd- is like the difference between VHS & BETA video.
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Burning downloaded movies to disc-dvd-folders.gif  
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
Gnutella Jewel
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xxxdarlingxxx is flying high

Hi there

I have followed the Nero instructions posted in a link above and I now have a DVD disc that will play on my DVD - all smiles with that, thanks for the posts.

Nero recorded the movie in real time. Is there a qicker way of doing this or is this the best way ?

Any advice appreciated

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
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Some people get away with burning them at maximum speed. You can try it & if you don't have any problems then that's fine. By max speed I mean max speed of the dvd disk & what the burner can handle, be that 4, 8 or 16 speed. I just feel it's safer burning at lower speeds as this has always been true for burning video type material. By maximum speed, I mean the lowest max speed of either the disk or the burner. Setting a burner to burn higher than it is capable of or burning a disk at higher than it is capable can do damage to the burner /& disk. So you can not only end up with coasters but also a coffee cup holder.

I simply recommended slower burn speeds for reliability of burning. BTW if you use DVD+ disks then the minimum burn speed is 2.2 or 4 depending on the brand & release version. There's newer versions of dvd disks coming out now & again. (A little like firmware upgrades I guess. They're improved dvd type disks.)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
Gnutella Jewel
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xxxdarlingxxx is flying high

Thanks for the Mr Lord, I've left it set at auto.

My smiles were a bit premature !

Not sure where I went wrong with the movie I burnt, it plays half way on the DVD player then just freezes on a frame. No moving it forward at all, there are no chapers so I can't even skip that bit.

It plays fine on the PC though.

I have played other "homemade" DVDs with no probs before.

Any ideas ! I selected Pal which was what Nero recommended.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
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You need to keep your overall bit-rate around 9 Mbps or below. I always keep it between 8 to about 8.7 Mbps at maximum (or less) 2 pass VBR.

VBR (variable bit rate) is easier for a player to read. Puts less stress on the player. And set-top players are often not designed well & can't play bit rates higher than 9 very well, resulting in freeze frames, dropped frames, skipping, etc.

By overall bit rate I meant video & audio combined. PCM audio takes up 1.6 Mbps. Whereas, Dolby Digital (ac3) takes up to about max 320 kbps (0.32 Mbps) in stereo mode or higher in surround mode. So my suggestion is to ensure your audio is in dolby digital (ac3) format. It uses a heap less bit rate & is comparable to high quality mp3 but perhaps a little better.

Keep your video VBR (preferably 2 pass for better quality even if it takes twice as long) & 8 Mbps or below. I'm not sure what options are on the new Nero so I don't know if those options are available. They are for the mac Roxio Toast. Well I'm not sure about 2 pass but the other options are there. Also keep your Motion estimation quite high ... around the 8 Mbps if it's a fast action video (less if it's a slow type video like a soap.) Average bit rate depends on length of video & dvd format disk (4.7 or 8.5 GB disk.) But if you were to convert at 8 Mbps for video & PCM for audio, then that would equal 9.6 Mbps & many players will struggle to play it smoothly as suggested at the beginning.

Sorry if my description is vague. I normally convert full PAL video not convert up from the VCD size to dvd. So perhaps I'm not the best person to help due to my lack of such experience. I've only occasionally done that such as for rare video concerts/clips unavailable on dvd or VHS tape. Also, I'm a mac person for video work. Even my vid & audio training were both totally on macs. lol
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2006
Gnutella Jewel
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xxxdarlingxxx is flying high

Many thanks Mr Lord, I will follow all your suggestions and have another try with a different movie.

I only started trying to do this yesterday so any advice is new advice !

Thanks again

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 4th, 2006
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shaunpc is flying high
Smile DVD files

Thank You again LOR I am still having problems here but with this I can prob. figure it out. I can't seem to download the attachment here. Hmm. Well I'll try another time. Shaun
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