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  #11 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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Im going to post 2 screen shots one from Limewire and I will do one from Bearshare to show you my speeds. How come I can go faster in Bearshare and not Limewire? How come I can find more rare songs using Bearshare Lite than Limewire? Its the same dam network, Gnutella but each app shows me different speeds. lol.

Ican get my normal cable speed in Bearshare but not Limewire can only assume they are capping it so you pay extra for the phony turbo charge speeds they promise with the pro version?

Im sorry but I disagree on that. You cant go any faster than your ISP allows you too when it come to Peer to Peer downloading.

I didnt pay for Napster and will never pay for pro anything, not while its from the same network, with the same files that you can get for free. If I wanted to pay for music, I would have stayed with Napster and paid for their dls.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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Bshare stats. under two minutes to dl a song. If you look at this stats in LW is not even half this for me. I go at 20k sometimes if Im lucky 30k speeds so I would love to know the big fuss over the turbo charge speeds? How much faster would I go?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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You now I have been trying to figure that one out for a very long time. I have stated before that BS/Lite and LW get about the same results for me LW slightly faster and I stress slightly. Search results about the same, I just prefer LW that is a personal preference.

I do not think you are being shaped by your ISP but it is possible but I do not know why the would block or shape one and not the other.

I keep getting the feeling that it may be in your setting but I am not sure I keep looking for clues in your post. I believe the reason you get better search results with BS/Lite is you get more connections with it than you do with LW Basic. I have stated before the best for rare files I new of was WinMx but they are not doing to well right now.

Any way as I stated in my previous post it depends on your connestion.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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Originally posted by Sphinx
How come I can go faster in Bearshare and not Limewire? How come I can find more rare songs using Bearshare Lite than Limewire?... Ican get my normal cable speed in Bearshare but not Limewire can only assume they are capping it so you pay extra for the phony turbo charge speeds they promise with the pro version?
Pro allows you to connect to 5 peers which is probably better for getting those rarer files. Connecting to more peers will allow further searches meaning the potential of more sources in searches. Pro also has the potential to allow downlds from 10 sources whereas Basic only 8. Birdy was on the ball when he suggested about optimising your particular set up. Remember everyone's set up is a little different. People can have the same model pc sitting beside another with the exact same programs installed, but they behave differently & one can have problems whilst the other doesn't. In the same way, some p2p programs are better suited to some people's systems & set ups than others. Sphinx has never tried pro so to call it phony is a little unfair. Oh well that's my 2 pence worth. lol
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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LOTR what is your max speed download in Pro???

I doubt very much I can go any faster with a socalled turbo charge.

Its the same bloody network, Im not understanding the difference in turbo speed than regualr speed lol. Just different apps. I have no fancy settings in Bearshare to make me go faster than Limwire.

Those stats I posted are live and raw. I download fast and I can get up to at least 13 hosts on a popular file and its free!

Sorry but I still wont pay to get an extra host or two from LW Pro. and its all just my opinion mind you.

As a test I even disabled my windows firewall for one download and still didnt go any faster than maybe 20. and Im not getting any answer as to why. I can dl an entire album in less time in Bearshare Lite than I can in LW. In LW it would take me over two hours to do an entire album if Im lucky.

The same song, same network, more hosts in BS than in LW basic, different speeds.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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Another example look at the speed I can get in Bearshare. This same file in LW would take me close to a half hour and under to dl in LW basic. WHY>>>?

It maybe a bit blurred but I tried to avoid showing the titles.
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Last edited by Lord of the Rings; January 1st, 2006 at 08:10 PM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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Hi Sphinx

The shot below was taken about 15 min. after I started the downloads. I chose DL that had between 11 and 1 source showing on the search page. As you can see they all got 10 sources within 15min.

My max DL speed is 750Kb/s while it is not at max I can easily get it there by DL more files. But as you can see with Pro it does make a difference because of the # of sources you can DL from.

And yes it also depends on your sources connection as you can tell by the variances of speeds between different files but you can achieve very fast speeds with LW Pro. I have personally seen speeds in excess of 500Kb/s on a single file and commonly see speeds of 150 to 200
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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I cant get that sadly. I really wish I knew what I was doing wrong in LW. I should be going at the same speed I do in Bearshare. I went to do a screen of the same song in Limewire but I couldnt get it to comeup and I am not going to fiddle with my Windows frewall to get more speed.

I have cable I shouldnt have this problem.

and, even if I paid I have a feeling it would still go at the same speed because this doesnt happen to me in Bearshare.

Im trying to do some more tests gonna post one more result from basic.

Grandpa, how did you did that screeny with what program btw???
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2006
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Edited it with Adobe Photoshop CS2 and used the erase tool
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old January 2nd, 2006
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I take the screen shots with faststone you might want to give it a try. It has some good features you can lasso the area of the screen you want and has a crop and resize feature built in. You can get it at the link below. It's freeware
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