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jcranson December 31st, 2005 07:14 AM

Log of Searches
My 14 year old son uses LimeWire to download music. Is there anyway to access a log of searches he completes? I just want to hold him accountable to keep him from searching porn.

Eman1992 December 31st, 2005 07:17 AM

Re: Log of Searches

Originally posted by jcranson
My 14 year old son uses LimeWire to download music. Is there anyway to access a log of searches he completes? I just want to hold him accountable to keep him from searching porn.


jcranson December 31st, 2005 07:24 AM

wasn't directing the question to you. asking users that at least know how to tie their shoes.

anyone know if there are any parental control features on limewire?

Eman1992 December 31st, 2005 09:10 AM

f*** you

Originally posted by jcranson
wasn't directing the question to you. asking users that at least know how to tie their shoes.

anyone know if there are any parental control features on limewire?

there is parentel controls on Limewire and i dont give a hell about what u say jcarsen the dumbass **** you bitch i know more about Limewire Than you ******* posting **** that dont even matter....god dont ******* start **** with me

ukbobboy01 December 31st, 2005 09:32 AM


Unfortunately, it seems that this forum has picked up another "know nothing attention seeking troll", fools like him exist only to drag others down, not to make any sort of worthwhile contribution.

The sooner the forum moderators ban him the better.

UK Bob

ukbobboy01 December 31st, 2005 11:11 AM

Dear Hobo

Amen:) :) :) :) :) :)

UK Bob

me d January 1st, 2006 08:18 AM

happy new year
let's all hope the new year has less of Eman1992. Eman, now isn't that an oxymoron.

for you children: oxymoron, a figure of speech in which contradictory ideas or terms are combined.

if he was a man he'd be able to tie his shoes, and would know more words than ****, ***, ****, etc. :mad:

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