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mad_phoenix January 8th, 2006 09:39 AM

Change location of the Incomplete directory?

On the limewire website it says that by default the Incomplete directory is in Documents and Settings on windows and the Home directory on linux. Doesn't that infer that you can change the location of the Incomplete directory?

I'd really like to be able to do this. At first limewire created an Incomplete directory at Home, but then I manually created one in the parent directory of my Save folder (where all finished downloads go). Once I created that directory, limewire started to use it. however, what if I want to put the Incomplete diretory in my Save folder? I haven't figured out how to trick limewire into that one yet...

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Lord of the Rings January 8th, 2006 09:59 AM

You can change your downld folder location & if you do, your incomplete folder will follow. The incomplete folder is always a level up from the downld folder. And if you chose to downld to specific type folders, then the incomplete folder tends to follow the Music downld folder.

Cybes51 January 11th, 2006 05:00 AM

I kind of understand the last part but maybe this might explain my situation. I have installed LimeWire onto my seccond HD called R: so the limewire folder is located in R:\LimeWire also i have two other folders that i have set content to be downloaded into R:\* and R:\* all others are sent to R:\ when i previously installed limewire using an older version the Incomplete folder was located in the R:\LimeWire\Incomplete directory, but using the current installer my Incomplete directory is located at C:\Program Files\Limewire\Incomplete. How can in make the Incomplete folder in the R:\LimeWire directory. So i can get rid of the C:\Program Files\LimeWire folder all together.

PS also in the C:\Program Files\LimeWire there is only the Incomplete folder and nothing else...

PPS any help would be greatly appreciated.

Lord of the Rings January 11th, 2006 05:37 AM

For a start, you have made a severe mistake making your program folder the same as your downld folder. If you should reinstall LW, it will remove (delete) your downld or & incomplete folder. Your program folder should be in a different directory than your download folder.

I don't think saving to root level of a HDD or partition is a good idea either. If you do it because you want easy access, then there's other ways to get quick access to your downld folder. 1. Create a shortcut to the downld folder, or/& 2. Go to your LW Library window, select Saved Files folder & press the Explore button. Sample image here: Using Library Explore button to access downld folder (click on link) & the folder will open up for you. Easy as that.

To change location of your downlds, go to LW's menu bar, Tools>Options>Saving & click the change location option. If you want to change a specific media folder location, then click the option below the above one & find the location you want it to go. See How to Change download location (click on link) for an example of how to do it. The incomplete files as suggested will be moved to the new location. If you choose specific folders to be created & moved, then the incomplete folder as suggested, will tend to follow the audio downlds. You know where your downlds go by checking the Saving option details. You can check where the incomplete folder has been moved to by using the Explore button to see where the incompletes are.

Cybes51 January 11th, 2006 07:43 PM

Ok i am not quite sure if all of that sunk in, so do i uninstall LW and reinstall it, and save all my files to the same HD but in different folders so they are one level further into the HD, and that will move my Incomplete folder into R:

Lord of the Rings January 11th, 2006 10:21 PM

If your downld files are inside your LW program folder, then I would remove them before reinstalling if that's what you want to do. Otherwise you'll lose them. Normally the default save location for downlds is: C:\Documents and Settings\"your account name"\Shared

The default location to install LW program is C:\Program files. So you can see that normally the directory locations are totally different.

How many incomplete folders do you have? Search the word incomplete on your computer. See which ones have any files inside them. And then check their location. The incomplete folder in your C:\ may well be empty & is not being used. If that's the case, then the answer is simple, delete it. Whichever incomplete folder has files inside is the one you're using. Which drive is it on & what's its location?

Cybes51 January 12th, 2006 02:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry my explanation is pretty **** attached is a image file that should explain, all it is is a screen print to show where my files are located. I had to make the image substantially small so i have cut out all i can, also there is no limewire related folders in my documents. Hopefully this image with the original comment i asked will make sense.

Lord of the Rings January 12th, 2006 06:27 AM

Gads I must be thick. I still can't make sense of it. So you have separated the downld folders right? If that's the case, where's the audio downld folder? You have 3 downld locations. If there's nothing in the C drive incomplete folder, are you sure it's being used at all? My guess is you already have an incomplete folder on R drive. Is it possible to take a snapshot of your Saving options window under Tools>Options>Saving. Blot out personal names. I just want to see the settings. And also, open LW, go to LW Library window & select the incomplete folder, press the Explore button. Where does it take you? Is it the R or C drive?

Cybes51 January 17th, 2006 02:59 AM

Sorry for the late reply i have been out of town, i was just about to attach the picture when i decided to read back through the previous posts. And you gave me an idea when you said to that i made a mistake by putting the folders in the first level into R: so i created a new folder called files and then put the 2 other folders video and images into the files folder also i created an other folder and then changed all the saved files location in the files area. (dont know if what i said makes much sense but i am really tired so yeah maybe if this breif bit of text helps someone it is worth it, but ne one can just e-mail me for a more detailed explanation ne way yeah the next time i started up limewire it made a new folder in the files folder volia.....

Cybes51 January 17th, 2006 02:59 AM

PS thanks for all of the help on the forum Lord of the Rings...

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