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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2006
Join Date: January 27th, 2006
Posts: 4
jdr3883 is flying high
Angry I bought pro and the system can not find my email!

I have had to reformat my computer a few times before and had no problem going on the LW web page and getting a version of pro back to put on my formated system. I just had to format again and now the system can't find my email and will not give me LM pro I have paid for this twice for two different computers of mine and I now am out a copy. what should I do? I have no way to go about geting a new copy with out paying. that is ****!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2006
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stief has a spectacular aura about

Hmmm-- the Pro lookup page is only good for six months, so it could your address has expired.

Backups are important

maybe message someone and they backed up the version you need, but sounds like you are due for a renewal anyway.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2006
Join Date: January 28th, 2006
Posts: 10
ltripley is flying high

Justin! I'm with you. Limewire seems more userfriendly for those that DONT pay for use than those of us that do! I'm shocked and can't help but feel this HAS to be illegal.

We pay for a product, download it off their site and then they make no contengencies for computer problems?

Holding on to our buyer's email address for only 6 months??? Is that a joke?

Is that supposed to be some sort of a scam to get us to buy it over and over again????

And stief ----- I DID backup! And STILL can't use it! So having a backup of an older version won't help!!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2006
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I have backups of versions that are two years old, but they won't work on my current machine

Wish I had backups of my car though

C'mon--the Pro deal is pretty decent, The devs tweak a few settings to give us a bit (not really very much) of an advantage, for a token amount, and allow us to get updates for 1/2 a year.

Seems more than fair. I still think of it as a donation, and use the "expire" notes to remind me that it's time to donate again to keep this FREE opensource project going.

If you really want Pro, you can even build one yourself or have someone do it for you. So really, it's not like LW is out to scam anyone.

Give 'em a break guys! If you seriously want whatever little advantage Pro gives you, just ask around.

Oh--as for Pro Support, I wish they'd just can the whole thing. I'd rather they just spend those dollars on the developers and open-source contributors and keep this project going forward as fast as possible.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2006
Join Date: January 28th, 2006
Posts: 10
ltripley is flying high

In all the time I actively used LW Pro, I never even had to use the "support". That's not what it's about for me.

My issue is that I paid for the program. A program that now won't work because after 6 months, they don't recognize my email address? That's ludicrous! I should be able to use a piece of software for the rest of my life if I so choose and have paid for the license! That's the law and my point!

On my multi-boot system, I have DOS 6.2 installed. A copy I bought over 10 years ago. Thank God I don't have to buy it time and time again!

And... forcing someone to pay for the software user rights they already own, over and over again, is illegal.

It's a matter of principle to me. I don't care if it costs $1.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2006
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I do understand what you mean.

No argument here about having that right to use that software, but I'm not a lawyer. As far as I know, you still have that right

For some reason the software isn't working for you any longer, and that seems to be a separate issue. If your email address was still recognized, it wouldn't get you the software you had. What version were you using? 4.1.9 was released 11.08.2004 and there have been many changes since then!

If you are asking for a replacement or an update two years later, not the rights to the software you had, that seems unreasonable to me, though I can see it makes sense to you.

Sorry, I just don't expect LW to supply replacements/ updates after the six months, and they never led me to think they would.

As I said earlier, I wish I could ask for a replacement or an update when my car no longer works or is lost.

btw-re Pro support: I think I tried it once a few years ago, but had much better support from the folks here on the forum.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 29th, 2006
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I guess you did not read this before you bought Pro

Q: How much does LimeWire cost?

A: LimeWire BASIC is completely free to download and use. An enhanced version of LimeWire, LimeWire PRO, is also available for a one time charge. LimeWire PRO can be purchased as an electronic download or on CD.

LimeWire is a software application. The one-time payment for LimeWire PRO is a payment to purchase a copy of the program. PRO purchasers also receive Technical Support via email and up to 6 months of free updates.

You will not be charged again by Lime Wire after your initial purchase. After 6 months, PRO users have the option to purchase an additional 6 months of technical support and free updates for a reduced price.

All Sales Are Final!

There is a free version of LimeWire for you to try before buying PRO, so we will not issue refunds for LimeWire PRO software purchases. We do not have sufficient support staff to process refunds manually for such a large user base. Therefore we are making it very clear up front: no refunds for any reason. This includes but is not limited to cases where LimeWire PRO performs poorly on your computer.

Thank you for supporting LimeWire!
__________________ - Hot Games, Cool Apps

A little common sense goes a long way

Later Grandpa
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 29th, 2006
Join Date: January 28th, 2006
Posts: 10
ltripley is flying high

Yo Grandpa!

I guess YOU are the one that doesn't read so well.

I posted my own thread before responding to this one called: Pro help is VERY lacking, which explain YET again what the problem is and........

Speaking of Common Sense.... you're missing that too. You just proved my point by posting their terms for Pro.
Q: How much does LimeWire cost?

A: LimeWire BASIC is completely free to download and use. An enhanced version of LimeWire, LimeWire PRO, is also available for a one time charge . LimeWire PRO can be purchased as an electronic download or on CD.

LimeWire is a software application. The one time payment for LimeWire PRO is a payment to purchase a copy of the program. PRO purchasers also receive Technical Support via email and up to 6 months of free updates.

You will not be charged again by Lime Wire after your initial purchase. After 6 months, PRO users have the option to purchase an additional 6 months of technical support and free updates for a reduced price.

All Sales Are Final!

There is a free version of LimeWire for you to try before buying PRO, so we will not issue refunds for LimeWire PRO software purchases. We do not have sufficient support staff to process refunds manually for such a large user base. Therefore we are making it very clear up front: no refunds for any reason. This includes but is not limited to cases where LimeWire PRO performs poorly on your computer.

Where have I asked for a REFUND? I don't want a REFUND!

Here it is in PLAIN ENGLISH because you obviously missed it Prior to your smartass answer....

I BOUGHT a copy of the software on CD from Limewire. There's nothing wrong with my copy!!!
The problem is that during the install FROM MY CD THAT LIMEWIRE PROVIDED, the installer looks to download ONE SINGLE FILE from the Limewire site only Limewire has discontinued that file location!!!

<<I’m receiving an error during installation that says: An error occurred while downloading the file>>

That has nothing to do with needing a refund or the extra bells and whistles of 6 months worth of updates.

The version I BOUGHT worked fine!!!!!!!!!! but because of LIMEWIRE removing my option to REINSTALL THE COPY I BOUGHT, they have created a problem NOT covered in the sell deal!!!!!!!!

Do - you - understand - now???????
Maybe you should get all your facts together before trying your hand at making me feel like a dumbass.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 29th, 2006
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stief has a spectacular aura about

Hey! Edit your post to remove the insults to GrandPa.

After filtering out the ranting and attitude, you finally provide the key info: the CD (first time that key info is mentioned) needs to connect to a LW server which is not longer available.

Sheesh! And you still haven't stated what version you need.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 29th, 2006
Join Date: January 28th, 2006
Posts: 10
ltripley is flying high

Okay two things...

Gramps implying I don't have common sense isn't an insult?

secondly: If I could install the program, I'd be able to see what version it is. The CD doesn't say!

Oh yeah... one more thing. I mentioned the file download issue yesterday before responding to this thread. I just wasn't aware I had to repeat myself in all my threads. You just missed it.
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