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Sleepless February 8th, 2006 07:40 AM

Not so easy afterall
I remember now why I set it at 31.5

It's the lowest speed possible for uploads on a T1 connection

I tried choosing cable/dsl and it seems like max downloadspeed is really affected by it. When I use that the last choice before unlimited is 44KB and my limit is almost 3 times as high as that

My connection is much closer to T1 than cable/dls

Before I got this speed, I had 512/128 connection and cable dsl was perfect for that, but now I am lost somewhere between two settings :confused:

Update: I downgraded to 4.9.37 tonight and now two downloads that have been awaiting sources for days started downloading right away.

you were right about the uploadlimit, when using 4.9.37, but when I tried earlier with the new version it didnt help one bit. Tries it on Frostwire too, didn't work either. Couldn't resume the incomplete downloads, after I downgraded, but thats a small price too pay for a program that actually works for me. Didn't have that many anyway :)

Gonna stick with 4.9.37 untill the developers get all the bugs sorted out in the new version sometime soon I hope, but I sure will be more careful before downloading the newest version. Check the forums etc. for a while to see feedback on how it works

Sleepless February 9th, 2006 11:03 AM

solved !!
I have come to the conclusion that my PC is 10.0.5 intolerant, because 4.9.37pro is running perfect.

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