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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
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Lightbulb Can People PLEASE limit their upload slots according to their bandwidth !!

There are few things on the P2P networks that are more annoying than downloading at 1-3 KB p/sec.

Files won't be shared any faster by having for example 10+ upload slots with a 30 KB max. upload bandwidth. It is rather the other way around, and there will be a few peers with the whole file and hundreds with the first 5%

It would be alot better to maybe have 5 or 6 slots with a 30 KB max. OR 10 with a 60 KB max etc. Most people allow partial sharing so it wil be much more effective

Think about it !!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
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I am not sure that that is 100% of the problem I have capability of 47KB/s UL I normally limit to 5 unless I am doing heavy DL then 3 and set the UL limit to 30KB/s. There are allot of times though that a person will be DL from me at 15 to 20KB/s for a while then the next time I look they will drop to 1 and bounce up and down between 1 and 5 then eventually loose there slot.

Why this happens I have no Idea but I do know it happens allot of the time. I have a felling it has to do with the peoples connection and the way they have LimeWire set up. Undoubtedly some people are sharing 20 UL slots on a 30KB/s connection but I do not think that is the only problem.

In my opinion you should have said I wish people would read the tutorials and learn how to configure LimeWire before they started using it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
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I have been downloading a this particular file for 3 days now with from 1 to 3 hosts download speed has been great until I reached 60% in the first 5 hours and since then it has never gone beyond 3KB and for the most part below that. Right now I have been on for 3 hours and have been downloading from 2 host almost the whole time with speeds from 0.5 to 3 KB and the same problem was yesterday ETA is 7 days 4 hours etc. for 200 MB. This is definently not a connection problem since I am getting 60+ KB on another file that also doesnt have that many sources + when I search the file it's listed as cable/dsl

edit: You may have a point afterall. Just because my connection is good doesn't mean that the hosts connection is good

Last edited by Sleepless; February 5th, 2006 at 07:46 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2006
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Default i agree sleepless..

when you're downloading one song from a T3 and can only get 1-2kbs, something is set wrong. i have a T1 connection. my DL speed doesn't affect UL speed. both are set to unlimited BW.
i agree, set the UL limit lower to get them in & out faster. (or better yet, read about how to set up properly.)

when i share music i allow 8-11 UL, (gives up to 10 kbs per) when i share movies i allow 5 UL, (gives up to 15kbs per). after all size matters!

Grandpa: i DL albums, (with a T3 that's properly set up) the first song DL's at around 25-30kbs, by the time i get to #3 it's dropped to 10kbs each, the rest will queue, (UL limit of 3 per). my DL limit is 12, gives me upwards of 300kbs total with multiples. (i limit searches to T1 +) since i DL an album from different sources, i can see that they are set up wrong.
i'm guessing the only reason they drop off is because their DL limit is too high. i have a lot of drop-off's, not because of my BW.

Sleepless: some people DO care to set up properly to accommodate most, if not all.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2006
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me d

Your your UL speed will affect your DL speed what are your speed test results. From what I can make out from your post you have around 300KB/s down and 75KB/s up

Now the test that I have been running lately show that if I am downloading from 60 host at 600KB/s to 750KB/s and have UL at 0 that it take 20KB/s to 25KB/s UL for communications between my computer and the host I am downloading from. Your computer has to tell every host you are DL from that it received the packet and is ready for the next it has to have UL bandwidth to do this.

Now you have your DL limit set at 12 and lets say you have 10 host for each file 10 X 12 = 120 host. The test I have done says it takes a average of around .33 KB/s per host for communication between the computers 120 X .33 = 39KB/s UL bandwidth needed to DL from 120 host. If you are UL at 50KB/s then you would be slowing down your DL capabilities because you have to wait for UL bandwidth to communicate with your host.

I do not know that these numbers are absolute I do know that they are right for my DL scenario.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 7th, 2006
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Default not noticable..

because i only DL songs, and then only one album at a time, i'm not DL-ing enough to make a noticable difference in UL speed.

i've never done a speed test, never had a need to. before i was on dial-up. i went to your link. closest for me was roadrunner Atlanta Ga.

Download speed: 2385kbps Upload speed: 191kbps
i realize RR is fast but the difference btween your figures, is that bits & bytes?

i use basic, up to 8 hosts. even still really fast. is that (communication) in the statistics? ie headers, messages?

Upload HTTP Content 2,379,158.4
HTTP Headers 5,891.7
Gnutella Messages 39,774.7
Gnutella Headers 49.4
Download HTTP Content 0
HTTP Headers 3,868.1
Gutella Messages 66,958.7
Gnutella Headers 81.8
since i'm asking, is the DL for G messages 66,958 because i'm on the forum all the time?
Thanks Grandpa for taking the time. this is the kind of info i like finding out about. (as long as it's not too technical to get to.)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 7th, 2006
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I have Comcast
2006-02-07 10:01:37 EST: 6026 / 352
Your download speed : 6026 kbps or 753.3 KB/sec.
Your upload speed : 352 kbps or 44 KB/sec.

me d

If you want to see what your actual usage is you can use NetStat Live it monitors you actual usage in a easy to read format. You can get it at the link below.

From you speed test results you should set your UL to around 18KB/s if you are maxing out your DL bandwidth
Attached Thumbnails
Can People PLEASE limit their upload slots according to their bandwidth !!-me-d.jpg  
__________________ - Hot Games, Cool Apps

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Last edited by Grandpa; February 7th, 2006 at 07:25 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 7th, 2006
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Default Could you look at mine Grandpa ?

That might be the source of my download problem

Uploadspeed is usually 31.5 (UK test) but in the test above it was only 28.6 (maybe all those miles of extra travel effect it)

I usually have uploadlimit set at 31.5 (5 slots, but thats because of the BearShare users that never go beyond 4-5 KB often lower)

Upload speed very rarely goes above 28-29, but I thought that messages were included

I never have more than 3 or 4 files downloading at the same time (often 1 or 2 depending on the speeds

Also I don't think that uploading effects downloading
(max Download/Upload 123 KB/31.5) I often see speeds above 145 if I add the two

Would setting upload limit or/and slots lower help ?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 7th, 2006
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In the screen shot below I am DL from 6 files from 75 host and I have shut down UL so there is 0KB/s for UL as you can see it takes 27KB/s for communication so yes in this example it takes .035KB/s UL bandwidth for every 1KB/s DL if you are UL to much it will affect your DL. It all depends on how much you are DL using this formula if you are DL at 135 it will take 5KB/s for communication you should then set your UL bandwidth at 21 using your 28KB/s test results.
Attached Thumbnails
Can People PLEASE limit their upload slots according to their bandwidth !!-proof1.jpg  
__________________ - Hot Games, Cool Apps

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Later Grandpa

Last edited by Grandpa; February 7th, 2006 at 04:23 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 7th, 2006
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You might as well learn this now: ALL servers/networks bend and break when they reach their max. Gnutella is no exception.

Thats why some speeds drop to zero one minute and bounce back up the next. It doesnt matter what your bandwidth is set on.

My bandwidth is set on max for uploads/downloads because Im on cable. Users upload from me pretty fast unless they are on dialup. I allow one download per person. No more, no less.

I find if I allow up to 3 users downloading from me it starts to bog down. One seems to work for me. The user gets their download quick and I still get to download without taking longer than I need.

Then again, Im only downloading music files.
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