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MiStA_ MeNaCe February 12th, 2006 12:16 AM

limewire loads by itself
yo ive hade limewire for like 6 months and like a week ago it started loadin up all by its self like every minuet or so . so i checked for ad ware and spy ware and vriuss and killed evereything. but it kept doin it. so i upgraded to the new one and blew it off as a bug or somthing. them it started doin it agan. so i uninstalled it once again. than java started poppin up at the same time that limewire was. so i killed that too and now somthing else pops up sayin limewire cuoldnot load .anybody else have this problem or a soultion. i love the program and would love to contune to keep usein it but that was annoyin as a mutha ****a

MiStA_ MeNaCe February 12th, 2006 01:17 AM

how do i contact the people frum limewire?

Grandpa February 12th, 2006 01:25 AM

You have a virus the link below should help the virus is what is causing LimeWire to start on its own.

MiStA_ MeNaCe February 12th, 2006 04:42 AM

thanx your a life saver yo . ima hip hop producer so i got thousands of dollars of studio equipment on my pc and all my track masters id be assed out if i lost all that.

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