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ABo February 14th, 2006 12:56 PM

I recently d/l Limewire and about 80% of the time i play a song, it stops about 5-10 seconds in an i have to retry till it plays....any ideas?

Sleepless February 14th, 2006 08:40 PM

try to use your default player instead of the limewire one

ABo February 14th, 2006 10:17 PM

would that be my only solution...because id rather not run another program

6_pac February 14th, 2006 10:45 PM

They're probably bad/fake files:(. The 20% that play are good files:).

Info can be found in the stickies. Here's one worth checking out: Major Topics for Upload/Download Help

And as Sleepless said the limewire player is not the best, so if the file skips or cracks it could be the player;).

ABo February 15th, 2006 11:05 AM

thanks, and i live in Pittsburgh so nice avatar.:p

freakyg February 16th, 2006 12:39 PM

skipping, jumping or stuttering
Hello I'm new here and would like to know if you please, I did not know that I could listen to the music with the limewire product thought I could ony d/l music. anyhow I used the Windows Media palaer I found some songs skipping or jumping what ever you call em I am wondering if it could be just the player will the songs still have these skips when I burn them to CD for personal listening to while driving in a friends car? Should I like delete the bad songs and try looking for them agian do a new search?
Thanks for any and all help or info.


6_pac February 16th, 2006 03:30 PM


Originally posted by ABo
thanks, and i live in Pittsburgh so nice avatar.:p
:cool: Its good being a Steeler fan:D

@ freakyg,

The LimeWire player is just a basic player, it tends to skip especially if you have other programs running while your using it. Try playing the files several times in a different player(windows player should be fine) when your not running any other programs or surfing the net. If it always skips in the same place then it is probably the file. If it plays ok then it should be safe to burn.

freakyg February 16th, 2006 09:28 PM

Thank you for the help, Now for another question could the skipping be caused by trying to d/l more than one song at a time?

PS steeler fan is that a sport of a hint of pirace?

6_pac February 16th, 2006 09:49 PM


Now for another question could the skipping be caused by trying to d/l more than one song at a time?
It shouldn't but I don't know for sure. If you have a lot of files queued waiting to be downloaded in LW that can have some unwanted side affects.

PS steeler fan is that a sport of a hint of pirace?
Hey, good one. Could be both;).

ABo February 16th, 2006 09:50 PM

no, lol...Pittsburgh Steelers, Super bowl Champs...

I was in oakland for the game, i got a chance to be front row for the parade.

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