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bazk February 26th, 2006 01:43 AM

Have you stopped other uesers browsing you ???
Hi m8's

I have been using limy for over a month, I think it is fantastic. The only thing which gets on my nerves, is when someone is uploading for my share file (thats what its about) I cannot browes them ? why ? do thry not have the share folder activated, or is it because of cross platforms ? if its because of user not sharing (delibratly) then I am afraid I have to terminate them. The point of file sharing is, one share there file(S) for everyone to obtain otherwise the corporates will win with the inflated prices.

wondering why February 26th, 2006 02:07 AM

Well thats not always the case, you may not be able to browse someone one minute and then the next you can....
So if you as you say Terminate someones connection because you cant browse them well in my opinion thats a bit slack, they could have hundreds of files being shared and if everyone had that attitude no-one would be able to get anything....
Just because you cant veiw them doesn't mean there freeloaders....:rolleyes:

bazk February 26th, 2006 09:47 AM

I am sorry that I coursed any missunderstanding on this subject wondering why, Unfortunatly my understanding the way the program works is completely (as you say) slack. i have been put straight on the workings of the program & to all who have viewed this post, i thought i was putting a view across, which others thought as well. I take back all that i said, but i only posted the view which i thought was the correct. I know now, (in a short few hours) I was COMPLETELY INCORRECT.

I appolgise to all.

I will also amend my signiture..


Only A Hobo February 26th, 2006 10:04 AM

Don't worry bazk:) It is quite understandable you feel indignant about freeloaders or leeches who do not share. I feel the same. The fact is that it is almost impossible to tell who is a freeloader and who isn't. I find the only way to be sure is when some inconsiderate and greedy person has queued hundreds of unrelated files off me. If he was a sharer he'd know that that is not a way to make friends. He won't get much off me for sure.

Also as WW said .. The Browse Host feature does not always give correct results and cannot be relied on to give a true picture of a Hosts files. Firewalls, Network set ups routers available upload slots and many other factors all have a part in making what a host is sharing hard to determine.

If you search Freeloader in the search option above right you will find many threads on the subject which will answer any other questions you have on the subject:)

PS I do rather like your new sig:D:D

wondering why February 26th, 2006 03:33 PM

Your cool Bazk and thanks for taking the time to to reply.....;)

whitneyrox February 26th, 2006 05:03 PM


Originally posted by wondering why
Well thats not always the case, you may not be able to browse someone one minute and then the next you can....
This statement is really a true one. I have two computers and I have frostwire on both of them. I downloaded a file on one of them and then did a search with the other computer. The file on the first computer came up. I tried to browse the other computer and SOMETIMES I could browse the files and SOMETIMES I could not..... :eek: So maybe it is wise not to terminate the download so fast..... :D

Dead & Bloated

bazk March 14th, 2006 03:36 AM

Hi m8's

Sorry for not replying, been on a long vacation..................

You have all put my mind at rest.

Thanks m8s.

P.S. Only A Hobo I thought I would have to put that in the signiture............................

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