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kevinmj1648 February 28th, 2006 12:21 PM

how do I search for Windows Media files
I've recently had trouble searching for windows media files. This has only been a recent problem. I haven't had this problem before, but now don't get any Windows Media files when I search. How do i get those back???

Sleepless February 28th, 2006 02:57 PM

Instead of an answer I have another question

Why would you want to get wma and wmv?

There are so many bad files of that kind on the network.

Are you the only user of Limewire on your comp. or has some added .wma and .wmv to the keywordfilter to stay clear of them

kevinmj1648 February 28th, 2006 03:21 PM

Well Im located in a resident hall at school and most of the short films that our cinema club puts out our on Windows Media. being a Mac person I've never been a fan of windows anything!!! but If thats how were going to put them out then I just have to go with the flow. Thanks ill try that

6_pac February 28th, 2006 11:33 PM

In the newer versions of limewire wmv files are filtered by default. Go to Tools>Options>Filters>Keywords> untick the box "Ignore .wmv/.asf files" then if you still want to filter asf files just add it to the keyword list then click apply

To add to what Sleepless said about wma/wmv files: What you should know about WMA/WMV Files & also autogenerated spam results

Sleepless March 1st, 2006 09:28 AM

guess I'm really safe then since I never noticed that they had added it to the ignore boxes, and added it to the keywordfilter as well :D

I guess if you know exactly what you are getting it shouldn't be any problems with bad files. Just be careful when downloading unknown windows files

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