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Cigano March 1st, 2006 10:48 AM

New files
First of all i'd like to give you congratulations about hte lime wire program. Excelent it works perfectly, and it never gave any problems :D I'm really happy.
Secondly, i was thinking for half an hour where i should put this "message" and i thougt that this could be the best section tu put it (Open Descussion) Well, i play violin for 7 years and i was searching for some classical musics. I found most of them but there are some thit i just can't find. Would it be possible to download them in the near future?
The musics are:
Polish Dance - Edmund Severn , for violin and piano
Allegro - A.Fiocco
Concert in A minor for two violins -Vivaldi

I hoppe that you can put this music available, i really need them.
Your sincerly

stief March 1st, 2006 03:19 PM

Hi Cigano--and welcome, fellow user.

LimeWire (the company) has no control over what is shared by people like you and me: LW just makes software that allows us to connect and search for each other's files.

Also, we don't request files here, especially if they may not be authorized for sharing. The forum is used to help solve problems with the progtams, not with the content shared by other users like ourselves.

Hope that helps clear up some of the rules.


Cigano March 2nd, 2006 06:33 AM

ok, thank u very much for the information ;)

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