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kookiethekat March 1st, 2006 01:41 PM

Why isn't Date Movie on Limewire yet?
It's been out for a while now. Normally films are on the day they are released in the cinema. It's annoying me now lol

wondering why March 1st, 2006 03:47 PM

Are you serious, who do you think puts the movies out...
It's not Limewire.....:rolleyes:
Check this thread out...

phuk March 1st, 2006 06:48 PM

What in that topic is related to this problem? Who is it btw lol

Grandpa March 1st, 2006 09:24 PM

I don't know maybe the Rules :D

Sphinx March 1st, 2006 09:45 PM


It's been out for a while now. Normally films are on the day they are released in the cinema. It's annoying me now lol

How old are you? 12? :rolleyes:

Well, there's no accounting for taste I suppose.

You'll have a long wait before a crap film like this makes it to Gnutella. You'll have better luck buying the DVD in a few weeks than you will finding a pirated version.

wondering why March 1st, 2006 10:10 PM

Hello yes the rules; as naming files is against the forum rules...
Well it was last time I checked, maybe other people should re-read them as well.....:p

Only A Hobo March 2nd, 2006 04:54 AM

Re: Why isn't Date Movie on Limewire yet?

Originally posted by kookiethekat
It's been out for a while now. Normally films are on the day they are released in the cinema. It's annoying me now lol
Quite apart from the rules... have you got the remotest idea what the Gnutella Network and Limewire are. Ah ..of course you have .. now you send an e-mail request to Complaints@customer service@limewire and your wish will most certainly not be granted. If someone out of the goodness of their hearts wants to share something on the network, you should be very grateful. If they don't you should share it yourself. This is not a public service and you cannot come on here making this sort of demand as if it is. jeez!!!!

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