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bensed March 14th, 2006 08:25 AM

Black screen

When I'm using Limewire (free version) and leave it to do it's thing for more than 20 mins, when I go back to it the window is black and the only way I can get the display back is to restart my PC. I'm running 2000.

I recon it must be working whilst in black mode as my files get more % complete when I get back into limewire.

Has anyone else had this issue? and I also had a completley green screen once...odd.


Lord of the Rings March 14th, 2006 08:39 AM

See this post I get a black screen. Always use the "Offline" installers.

If that doesn't fix it, then it may be graphic card related. See 1. The way to fix the Blank screen on startup, & also 2. GeoForce 3D setting

bensed March 14th, 2006 09:02 AM

Thanks for that I did do a search, but didn't find any relevant results.

I will try when I get home.

Cuddles2cute March 12th, 2007 08:27 PM

No answer, just same problem!
I am having this same problem. I have installed using online installer and uninstalled and used the offline installer. Now my settings are so large, I can't get to the "OK" screen or whatever it says to be able to use anything. I have never had this problem. I even downloaded an older limewire it didn't help.

tcalcagno July 12th, 2007 09:05 PM

that is the exact problem I am having. It is as if the setting is too large and you cannot see the "OK" button. Please let me know if you find out what it is.

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