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andr3w1324 March 15th, 2006 09:13 PM

Hello everyone. I have come here today to ask if there is anyway I can stop people from uploading off me from limewire.

I play online video games alot and it interferes with the internet alot making the games unbelievably slow.

I like to run limewire all the time because it is a great downloading program. I have no problem people downloading from me when I'm not doing anything that takes up alot of bandwhidth, but then again, I do those things alot.

Any help would be appreciated.


6_pac March 15th, 2006 10:17 PM

You could try cutting back on your upload bandwidth, that way you would still be sharing:) instead of freeloading:(.

In LW go to Tools>Options>Uploads>Basic> then experiment a little to find a setting that works for you. Also set it to automatically clear uploads, then under speed, set it to disable ultrapeer. This will help save some bandwidth. Then you may want to cut back on the number of upload slots. Tools>Options>Uploads>Slots> then set it to 5 or something so you don't have a lot of people waiting in queue. Remember to click apply after making any changes.

But if you really don't want to share, just set your upload slots to 0. You can always set it back when your not using your pc;).

andr3w1324 March 15th, 2006 10:19 PM

Alright man, thanks for your help

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