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Open Discussion topics Discuss the time of day, whatever you want to. This is the hangout area. If you have LimeWire problems, post them here too.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2006
Join Date: March 27th, 2006
Posts: 2
yoko_ono is flying high
Question how do you work the private chat?! im new at limewire and totally!

Someone just private messaged me... totally shocked, had no idea it was possible on limewire. How do I reply to messages? I tried tryping in the box, but could't click on "send". And how do I start up a new conversation?!

I'm totally hopeless with computers. Someone, please help!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2006
Join Date: March 27th, 2006
Posts: 2
yoko_ono is flying high
Question chat help...

I'm new on limewire. How do you work the chat??? I'm totally confused...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2006
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Default Merge...yoko_ono - chat help

You have to have chat enabled (tools > options > chat. Tick 'enable chat' & apply). Right click on the column headers in the search results, downloads & uploads windows... tick 'chat'. This will show you peoples' chat status.

If you see a smiley right click & choose 'chat with host'. A chat window will open.

Sometimes it just doesn't work though! And often, a host's not sitting at their computer so your chat might not be seen.

Just seen your other post as well, PMs are not the same as chat. Send your PM regardless of the error message, it will go through. Please don't post related questions in different forum sections... it causes a giant PITA & makes it very hard for people to answer you properly.

**Replies to posts aren't working at the moment.
Reply by PM will work. You'll see an error page but the message still goes through.
Else, start a new thread titled "your original thread - merge".
A moderator will merge threads when they get the chance.

Last edited by birdy; March 27th, 2006 at 06:22 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 27th, 2006
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Default Chat

Go to How to use Bitzi Web Lookup ... & How to use Magnet Links & Direct Connect & scroll down to 3rd post & look for green link called How to Direct Connect, Browse & Chat & this will lead you to a thread or 2 that show how to set up Chat.

To reply to a chat, you click into the smaller area of the chat window & type in your response. Then click send or enter.

To send a chat, right-click a user in the search results or downld window or upload window & select Chat. If the option is greyed out, it means they either don't have chat enabled or there's no bandwidth & slots available for you to send a chat to that person. Those that show the chat icon are easiest to send chats to. That's why it's best to add the chat column to the search results, downld window & upload windows. The older version LW had a button called close or end or finish chat. But the newer version doesn't so you just press the cross at the top left corner to close the window.

With chat, many people say they don't often get responses. That's because many people leave LW running overnight or whilst they're at work or school or hidden in the background whilst they do other things on their computer. A chat send will go stale if the user doesn't reply within certain amount of time.

BTW please don't double-post. Your posts have been merged.
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