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Limen March 31st, 2006 01:49 PM

I have downloaded some objects from for example BitTorrent - normally without any problems with worms. But many times, when I downloads programs by Limewire and open the rar/zip-files my antivirus program tell me that the file contains "Worm B(?)" or other worms...

Can somebody here tell me - why? I can't see why it should be more worms in Limewire objects compared to the same files from for example BitTorrrent... :-(

Is it only coincidences or not?

Lord of the Rings March 31st, 2006 02:19 PM

Certain groups are attacking most p2p networks. Bittorrent was targeted strongly before gnutella. But there's been a concentrated effort to attack gnutella over the past 6 months in particular. I don't know who is responsible, but ... google Overpeer to get an idea of sponsored groups who do do that type of thing by rubbishing networks with autogenerated spam results & such & useless files. Remember, bittorrent is well known for video downlds. So who would be sponsoring groups to do that. And looking at gnutella; music & videos & programs.

1337_ March 31st, 2006 02:30 PM

Well, I've seen this happen to a lot of P2P networks except BitTorrent. Anyway, look at the file size before downloading and make sure it looks right. Also, ALWAYS SCAN! I think what happens is that one file is spammed with different names and stuff.

Limen April 1st, 2006 12:23 AM

A have Antivir installed and it always alarm if there are worms and virus in the downloaded program and by that I skip the program – so I don’t think something dangerous will happen my computer.

I have tried, and my Antivir can’t pick away the worm – but do you think there is any online scanning program I can use to pick the worm away? Let it scan only the map with the downloaded infected file? Is this a proper way, or? You know, of cause, I’m interesting to get the programs – but without worms…

birdy April 1st, 2006 12:38 AM

You might need to read this

Apparently, zip files are really easy to infect. Like 1337 said, always scan a file before opening it:) I don't think there's a way to remove a worm from these programs & then be able to use the program.

Limen April 1st, 2006 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by birdy
You might need to read this

Apparently, zip files are really easy to infect. Like 1337 said, always scan a file before opening it:) I don't think there's a way to remove a worm from these programs & then be able to use the program.

Thank you birdy - and of cause Lord of the Rings...

Now I have read and saved the very interesting guide of Lord of the Rings!

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