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IronClad451 April 8th, 2006 01:16 PM

Greatest Zombie Movie of All Time?
I was just curious what everyone/anyone's fave zombie movie was....mine is either Evil Dead 2 or Dawn of the Dead (original) :D

pooh74 April 8th, 2006 01:22 PM

you dead right pardon the pun,Evil Dead is the biz!!!!!!!!!!! scary when i saw it as kid but absilutely hilarious now

Ferral April 8th, 2006 01:45 PM

Yeah - love Bruce Campbell

pooh74 April 9th, 2006 09:09 AM

yeah i agree but he lost the plot a bit with some of the stuff he done afterwards,anyway keep the undead alive!!!!!!!!! p.s.what about the more modern zombie flicks ,28 Days is probably the best of the lot !?Chow for now

IronClad451 April 9th, 2006 02:09 PM

I haven't seen 28 Days....never looked that interesting, but I've been wrong before! (didn't think much of The Matrix until I actually saw the whole movie)

easterhay April 9th, 2006 06:30 PM

28 Days
28 days later is definitely worth an hour or two of your life. After all, it's British - how crap can it be?
(Obviously this is a rhetorical question and is n_o_t inviting a deluge of sarcasm about the Brits or the British film industry as a whole). So there.
It's a cracking film - lots of suspense and overacting. All you could want from a Zombie-flick. Plus a road trip in a black cab. Blimey, I'm gonna do a search this instant

pooh74 April 10th, 2006 10:18 AM

yeah its well worth the look all the undead madness without the flesheating !!!!!!!!the new george romero flick (day of the dead) is worth the effort too if only for the presence of Dennis Hopper,special effects are superb but on a lighter side Sean of the Dead is most certainly a top scorer!Absolutely hilarious!!!!! enjoy

easterhay April 10th, 2006 10:27 AM

not zombies
Hang on a minute, what am I talking about...? 28 days later isn't a zombie movie. They're not risen dead, just enraged lurching psychopaths. Clearly not the appropriate genre. Apologies for lurching off topic

Lord of the Rings April 10th, 2006 10:51 AM

I'm not into zombie movies as a rule b/c most look so unconvincing (eg: as convincing as werewolf movies.) I do love horror movies though!!! As far as Evil Dead went, the 1st was the best for me. Despite it was made a long time ago on a very small budget with amatuer like actors, it was certainly effective & fun to watch when it came out. Evil Dead 2 I guess wasn't too bad. But the editons that followed were a joke. Trying to bank on the surprise popularity of the very 1st version. Edit: I do have copies of Evil Dead 1 & I might have 2 also. But my horror vid collection is a wide assortment I guess. If only my partner was keener to watch them. :D

Who is Steven King?

wondering why April 10th, 2006 11:46 AM

Ahhh, now Steven King is one of the best...A few years ago I started a collection of his videos through Time Life and I must say that IT kept me on the edge of my seat, but Misery is one of my favourites.....

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