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  #11 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2006
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Have a read through this, it's got lots of info about virus probs & how to avoid them
WARNING: Viruses on the network you should be aware of
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2006
Join Date: March 10th, 2006
Posts: 111
trevor57 is flying high

Originally Posted by Sleepless
Seems to me that a lot content is gone and not much new is arriving. Had to go elsewhere to get things I would (normally) be able to get from Limewire (Or maybe my taste in music just changed) Elsewhere works well for me, so I won't be on as much. (More content disappearing)

Oh and I think he meant **** = dead
limewire still works great for me, i get all the new music i like and stuff..
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old May 27th, 2006
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Originally Posted by trevor57
limewire still works great for me, i get all the new music i like and stuff..
Then try looking for psy-trance, ambient-alternative and the likes and see what you find. Also older songs from the 90's that weren't that popular but I like. I mean those that never reached the top100. I also never used to have any trouble getting new videofiles to download, but now the seeds are on so little that about half on them stop halfway through and never restart. I have been using LimeWire for a long time now and ever since the start of 2006 it has been harder and harder to get rare files
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old May 27th, 2006
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Originally Posted by Only A Hobo
Seepless .. I'm sorry you are getting dissolusioned with LW .. I've not been looking for much recently, it must be said, but I do also use Phex on the Gnutella network ..I haven't explored other networks and it often come up with things I can't find on LW. It connects to more Bearshare hosts ... they will still be around for ages, I imagine though exactly what will happen now is a bit uncertain. Shame they never made Bearshare for Mac....
I still have that darn firewallproblem I can't get solved, so I can only get Limewire to run (properly). I do find the music elsewhere and it's using up my bandwidth meaning I am not connected to Limewire nearly as much as I used to. It's not searching that's the problem, as I have been using Limewire extensively for the last two years. It seems to me like people are afraid to share or something. I am not complaining about the content being flodded with crapfiles. I know how to get the right files when I search. In my two years I have only got two bad files. Shame on me for not using Bitzi Not that they caused me too much trouble. It's like instead of people sharing different files, all the users are sharing the exact same popular files and very few rare files. When looking for music, instead of getting a lot of files with 5-20 users and very few more than that, it is like 135 110 90 24 6 3 2 2 2 2 ond a lot off ones which often do not download. I am not talking about the most popular artists here. It didn't use to be like this
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old May 27th, 2006
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Originally Posted by Only A Hobo
Can't offer much on firewalls although plenty will give enormous help.. and if you posted about that in the last month or so the threads have all vanished, so you could start again if you wish.

I think some are getting a bit scared off p2p .. just a feeling ...but all we see is the handful who come to the forums .. and there are millions of users out there.

Also if you search for any artist who has both popular and very rare recordings, you will only get the popular ones. The rare ones can only be found by specialised searches, or browsing hosts, the latter seems the best way to me.

I find Bitzi does not cover music files too well ... It's worth posting a report for a video .. not so much for a 3 minute song.

They were both video, so still shame on me. One infected the explorer.exe process making my PC useless. Had to delete it in commandpromt without starting Windows. Not even HighjackThis could delete it, every time I came near it CPU went straigth to 100%.

I do all the specialized searches, browse host etc.

Think they are scared.

Last time I tried to portforward. The only thing I managed was to block myself from accessing the router. I tried the advise from here and messed up Might be my ISP. I'm changing next month. Faster connection, longer flatrate + 6GB free usage during daytime. I can't wait
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