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  #21 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
Deepend's Avatar
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Hello All Who Share

I am new to the forum & have been using LimeWire for about a month.

Thanks and Shouts to those who have made this possible.

I have been reading loads here lately; mostly about this topic as it is the only issue or problem i have had with P2P

I came to P2P with about 850 tunes half of which i have spent many hours recording from Vinyl and making mp3's the rest from my cd collection. I am Happy to share all of these with anyone who would return the favor i now have over 1000 that i Share (oh no have i been too greedy?) it seems there are some serious problems with greed here it is a deadly sin but someone who makes available all his music to others should hardly be considered greedy just because he has browsed a host (i browse somewone because i like what they have downloaded from me seems we at least Share the same taste in music, and liked what they have and want to have it as well. Yea i used to take what ever i liked from that host until i found out i was being judged as greedy by someone who thinks i am crossing the line by wanting to have more than three downloads) I set my bandwidth and max uploads to 20 per user thinking it was the right thing to do. I still think it's the right thing to do!!! I take what i like from a host as i don't know when he will be connected again. It seems logical not greedy!!! In fact i stay connected all day and it is normal to upload 150 or more tunes a day; these are not top 40 tunes either i still have 20 tunes that i try to download unsucessfully in that time as i lose the connection mysteriously. I feel my Limewire Pro is lame at automatically trying to find more sources. I have done a test and killed uploads within a minute they all seem to start again mine don't is this because everyone has disconnected or filtered me out. It seems like some Some days i get 0 complete unless i sit there and do endless searches that seem a total waste of time. I don't mind waiting a have patience but wasting my time like this ****** me off!!!

So now that i have vented i have a few requests.

Please rethink cutting off someone and setting low limits on users. There seem to be some problems with recognizing the peeps who share and those heathens who don't; and until there are solutions for this problem we should not be so judgemental.

LimeWire why can't you do something about this? With all you have done to make P2P possible it seems this should not be beyond your capabilities.

LimeWire why can't search restart automatically and constantally if the host is lost. If i have requested a download it is because i want it even if i lost the connection i didn't lose the desire to have that tune.

Hoping for Positive Change
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
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Originally Posted by barbarian2
... if I buy this CD, how can I store the contents on my computer in my shared files as mp3's? I use Nero to burn, but don't think this software can help me in this respect...?
Nero has the ability to extract as WAV files. I don't have a new version of Nero so I don't know it's full abilities. But there's plenty of free audio programs out there which will convert wav to mp3, etc. or extract from cd to mp3. I'd recommend extracting as wav first! Then converting that into mp3 or aac or ogg vorbis, or a compressed lossless format.

Deepend, the earlier versions of LW were better at restarting incomplete downloads than the newer versions. What I'd suggest is, if you find someone who has lots of files you're interested in, make a note of their ip address. Then at some later time you can attempt to direct connect to them. This is not always successful but can work. Of course it depends on whether they are online, & whether both you & them have free upload & downld slots & bandwidth, & both you & them are configured properly firewall-wise. Another way is searching the file topic again, browsing those with similar files. Of course, if you have search results handy, you can cancel the downld & re-select to downld from the search results. This sometimes restarts the downld.

As far as requeries go, LW tries to keep traffic to a minimum. Requeries (click on link). I believe that's one reason LW has reduced the ability of files to search for sources immediately after opening LW.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
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Thanks Lord of The Rings

Can't say i am really happy about the response; if it is true (i belive your correct) my going Pro to get those "better search results, turbo charge download speeds & connect to more sources" was uh Useless i see no positive change at all oh well such is life i am not as suprised as i am dissappointed.

I see what you mean about the load on the servers but it seems those who UPLOAD over 100MB per day could get a little priorety when they are only downloading 10MB I can't even check my email sometimes due to the upload drain at the same time nothing at all goin down seems a bit out of balance.

Typical of the real world; don't know why i expect things to be different here No Honor Among Thievs anymore hey.

About finding hosts that let me browse there are very few for whatever reasons and most of them seem to get the hump if you like their taste in music and want more than their quota. That is pathetic; i consider it a compliment when someone likes my taste in music.

I only hope people will reconsider the definition of share!!!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
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ldyj is flying high

I find this thread interesting. I, too, am very, very new at this. I still don't fully understand how I can share (but I certainly intend to as soon as I do more research on how). I'll just keep reading and learning, and, hopefully not offend anyone in the process.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
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Whilst the earlier versions might have had that small advantage, the newer versions definitely have a better (more effective) search. It was that fact that caused me to drop the earlier version & use the most recent full-time. I'm sorry to hear you've had such problems. I always consider it that some days are better than others. So I persist. Also some times of the day are better than others. The same applies with browsing & direct connecting. One moment you can't browse someone, 10 mins or an hr later I can. Free slots & bandwidth seems to also play a part in browsing. Also to expand on the example, one time I've browsed someone & found about 60 files, then 20 mins later browsed & they had over 600 or vice versa. So there's many factors at hand that affect these things.

ldyj see How to Share Folders (click on link)
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
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ldyj is flying high
Default Thanks for the info

Thanks for the info, Lord of the Rings. I did check and find that I have two files available for sharing on my system - one I created and one apparently created when I installed LimeWire.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
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Very complicated all of it and i don't know what think because i don't know how it really works. I appreciate your imput.

I have just been messin around browsen hosts that were currently downloading off me i got through to 3 from 2 of them i started DL on 1 mp3 they started downloading chose another mp3 and at this time both tracks went to need more sources this same thing happened with 2 hosts (does that mean they filtered me out? they didn't go offline as they were still uploading from me one of them on 3 slots) the third has allowed me 3 DL so i figure he is cool but i am not pushing it due to the 3 default limit (which is forcing people who may not know how to allow more; to be stingy which sucks)

Anyone reading who doesn't know: tools/options/uploads/slots

Is safe to say those 2 hosts have set the limit to 1 and or derail anyone who tries more? If so they are gettin filtered.

Or is there some other reason for something like that to happen in which case i should not filter that user?

Thanks for the constructive input.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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They might not have had free slots. It's hard to know. What was the connection quality when you browsed them? How many stars? 4 is generally the best & represents best chance of connecting & downlding off them.

You'll find it easier to browse people who show the chat icon enabled. Especially those uploading from you.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
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4 stars and they had chat enabled the guy uploading on 3 slots only had chat enabled on 2 slots it dissappeared on the third.

But why would my first slot stop downloading just cause he hit a limit shouldn't i maintain my slot on that DL and understandably wait for busy host on the other?

Thanks again you da man!!! if you like House music and chilled stuff let me know i will try to find out my ip and pm you or post it here (is there a reason i shouldn't post that here?)
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2006
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I had my uploads per host set to 5. The reason I had to make it two uploads is because of the ******* morons that will start downloading 3-4 700MB rare videofiles at the same time.

BTW I am not on all the time, but every day for 4-10 hours so everytime I start up Limewire people get 2 more files. And if you and others would follow my advise there would be no problem at all Everyone is not on all the time. Some have monthly downloadlimits from their ISP's, Others have a unreliable connection or are badly set up or both. Some are using Laptops that they have to use for other things as well as P2P and a million other reasons. I bet 95% of your unsuccesful downloads are not from people killing your download, if not 99.9%.

Also uploadslots should be set so every slot can deliver at least 5 KB (others may disagree, but I don't really care) I have 50 KB up on 5 slots because of video

Check out the this thread. It explains how to best get succesfull musicdownloads

How to find music

Last edited by Sleepless; June 30th, 2006 at 12:06 PM.
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