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  #41 (permalink)  
Old July 1st, 2006
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I didn't notice this yesterday for some reason, but do you say that you have your uploadbandwidth set to unlimited ?

Then there is no wonder that you experience some problems downloading.

This will make your Limewire weird when you are uploading at max speed, because the program won't have bandwidth to send messages to the hosts that you're connected to. You should leave some space for Limewire to work with.

300kbps/8 = 37,5 KB/sec
200kbps/8 = 25 KB/sec

I would try maybe 28 KB/sec. You might see some improvement with Limewire then. Also 20 slots for that kind of bandwidth probably causes a lot of irritation to others when several people are downloading from you.

I have set it to 50 KB up when in fact I have 59-62 in speedtests. That allows me to play poker without much internet delay under usual circumstances. If I have many Downloads from many hosts then I set it to 45 KB up if I intend to play during uptime.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old July 2nd, 2006
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Yesterday was a long day of trial & error!!!

I learned a fair bit i didn't realize before about my use of and the limitations of LW so here are a few notes.

Firstly i learned that you really need to hang in there and be persistent. I was the type of user who thought i could select 20 or 30 mp3's for download and then do what ever i wanted come back a few hours later an have most of those tunes in my library WRONG. Especially if you are trying to get those tunes from 1 host as that was my preferred method only because this way i could browse hosts with similar musical tastes and get tunes i wouldn't even have a clue to search for. Still my favorite way to get new tunes, but requires me to be much more interactive. Yesterday i found a host who had a little over 6,500 (thanks dude you are stylin love your taste) tunes available he was set on T1 so i set mine to T1 as well with bandwidth slider on max for up & down. I did a few speed tests and had UL 200/300 & DL 800/900 All day i only downloaded from the 1 host if i was only trying 1 at a time they came in at 45/55kbs if i took 2 at a time 50/70kbs total was avg. If i took a third it would avg. 60/80 the fourth i basically got waiting on busy host or need more sources. This sometimes happened with only 3 slots but when it happened mostly with the 4th demand it usually affected all the slots so if i hadn't been there to cancel 1 or 2 of them and resume or research the others downloads would have stopped and maybe not restarted. I kept my eye on uploads with my bandwith slider on max and the speed test of 200/300 and max slots of 30 total and 20 per person speed was pretty much around 33kbs all day (Sleepless your calculations seem right on. Earlier i had mentioned hitting max's of over 100kbs this came from looking at stats and i now belive this stat refers to your setting rather than what has been achieved) with avg. 9 to 18 slots open. So no matter how high i put my settings at LW ran at my max potential.

At the end of like a 6 hour session with the 1 host things came to a crawl maybe he lowered his bandwidth or was getting more traffic than earlier i restarted LW thinking it was me and tryin to improve things but could not get connected with that host again i only made it to the F's searching by his artists but hey i got some really cool music and learned about some new artists that have had me buzzing with a total high ever since

At this time i did a bunch of searches for more obscure stuff i got from him i never found him again but along the way started several DL's from different hosts up to 15 slots at one time all working well and i was avg. 80/90kbs most of the time. I did have to resume or research some of them but for the most part they completed as long as i was not going over 2 slots per host.

Just a Hobo tried but failed to do a direct connect with an ip i got off one of the speed tests. Well i did another speed test from same server and they gave me a new ip so that file i sent you to search for might be the best way although there might be others with the same name if it is the file size i gave you it is me or someone who got it from me. Yesterday when you had sent the other pm's about not finding it i was already off line sorry i am connected now and will be for the next 15 hours so have another go.

Lord of The Rings i was offline by the time you tried to connect and the ip is unreliable so i will PM the file name and size to search for.

I will be connected but out so i can't interact with you guys til the tonite Good luck and hope your Happy in your Travels

The 6 Thousand MP3 Man you Rock and i will forever attempt to find you again.

Peace All
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2006
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[QUOTE=Deepend]I did have to resume or research some of them but for the most part they completed as long as i was not going over 2 slots per host.

Deepend, how do you know that you're downloading only 2 slots per host? When I do a search, obviously I get a number of results, but there is no indication of who the host is unless I go into 'browse' host - don't really want to do this if the files I want are in the main search - I would have to go into each file and browse host to make sure I am not going over two slots?? Or am I being dim? Sorry, been off LW for a little while (hols) so only just catching up.

Any advice/guidance aprpreciated.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2006
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You are right about not knowing which hosts you are downloading from if you have done a general search. Another column in the download window that listed the hosts current ip would be really helpful

I do alot of searching by browse host. If i find a source for a track i like i then try browse host as there are good possibilities they might have more things that would interest me; artists i would not know of thus could not search for. It works the other way around too; if anybody downloads from me then i always try to browse them as it seems we share the same taste. Unfortunatly less than 10% of all browse attempts go through Even if the host has the smiley face meaning they have enabled browsing & chat. Nobody seems to know why this doesn't work well or at least better. If you ask me this really sucks because i love browse host as a methode of broadening my horizens.

To take it further a list of favorites that you could add hosts to would be way cool as well. If you or anyone else thinks so go here:

register and vote on it don't forget to add a comment about adding fav. host as the original request is for fav. searches also a nice feature but without a feature like this for browse host finding a host you like a second time is not easily done if not impossible where as finding artists is EZ.

I wonder how many try browse host either not many or the failure rate is huge. 95% of my uploads each host is only hitting me up for 1 artist they take most of what i have from that artist but no other artists and i have enabled browse & chat.

Hope this helps and i hope you vote

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  #45 (permalink)  
Old July 13th, 2006
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..i'm a newbie, but aware of the poss probs with maxing d/ls and u/ls, but for me it goes like this

..if you have a song that interests me, by a band/singer etc that i like then chances are good you'l have others, some i haven't or more now, some i haven't even seen before, my connection rate goes up and down and periodically trees fall on the electric system so yup i browse, and take all i can, while i can

..the same applies for u/ls, as my library builds, i get to have the less common stuff, but my connection goes etc and trees fall etc , so take what you can, while you can

..for me, yes i'm tired of one way, me doing all the taking, cos it just doesn't feel right, and i thank those who don't cut me off and i apologise to those who get cut off by falling timber, try again later..
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2006
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Originally Posted by a white rabbit
..i'm a newbie, but aware of the poss probs with maxing d/ls and u/ls, but for me it goes like this

..if you have a song that interests me, by a band/singer etc that i like then chances are good you'l have others, some i haven't or more now, some i haven't even seen before, my connection rate goes up and down and periodically trees fall on the electric system so yup i browse, and take all i can, while i can

..the same applies for u/ls, as my library builds, i get to have the less common stuff, but my connection goes etc and trees fall etc , so take what you can, while you can

..for me, yes i'm tired of one way, me doing all the taking, cos it just doesn't feel right, and i thank those who don't cut me off and i apologise to those who get cut off by falling timber, try again later..
Yes, you make a good point, with respect to connection issues. The problem many of us face is that we want to share our collected, cleaned, verified, and sorted files, but we feel abused by people who expect to grab dozens of files from us while blocking ANY downloads of their own files. I just block them... forever.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2006
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I know how you feel Karen Kraft, right this minute I have one 'guest' uploading 4 files at once from me, and another uploading one file. But.... is'nt this what p2p is all about?

Admittedly, I get really really annoyed when all I am (and still am) doing is looking for one particular file at the moment - this morning I found another source, but it was downloading very very slowly (doesn't usually happen this way on my computer, generally very quick - maybe it's the source that's slow?) - then I got cut out at 52% and am stuck there. Same file from another source gave me 36% then stopped dead It's been like this for two weeks now, I just hope that one of them will stop blocking me, or be back on line (if that's the cause).

This still doesn't stop me from sharing though, I appreciate that people like the files I have and I would hate it if some-one blocked me from getting these files (actually a lot of them are torrents, which are MADE for people with patience - large files can sometimes take ages and ages to download!)

Well, do we p2p, or not2p, or what?
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2006
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Originally Posted by barbarian2
I know how you feel Karen Kraft, right this minute I have one 'guest' uploading 4 files at once from me, and another uploading one file. But.... is'nt this what p2p is all about?

Admittedly, I get really really annoyed when all I am (and still am) doing is looking for one particular file at the moment - this morning I found another source, but it was downloading very very slowly (doesn't usually happen this way on my computer, generally very quick - maybe it's the source that's slow?) - then I got cut out at 52% and am stuck there. Same file from another source gave me 36% then stopped dead It's been like this for two weeks now, I just hope that one of them will stop blocking me, or be back on line (if that's the cause).

This still doesn't stop me from sharing though, I appreciate that people like the files I have and I would hate it if some-one blocked me from getting these files (actually a lot of them are torrents, which are MADE for people with patience - large files can sometimes take ages and ages to download!)

Well, do we p2p, or not2p, or what?
Sure! I don't block everyone who has nothing to share.

After all, everyone has to start someplace -- with few if any shared files. But when the same person has downloaded several dozen of my files and blocks all others 100% from their own files, it's not "sharing," it's "taking."

Look at it this way: If the vast majority of people took and very few gave, the entire p2p system would break down. Obviously, there is a difference between people who don't have an open port or who have some reason not to share at a particular time. This thread was really about people I would see, day after day, taking files from me and having neither their share folder available nor their chat enabled. That's not called p2p; that's called greed.

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  #49 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2006
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Quoting you Karen Kraft 'This thread was really about people I would see, day after day, taking files from me and having neither their share folder available nor their chat enabled. That's not called p2p; that's called greed.'

100% with you on this - many of my 'guests' show like this, but does not having chat enabled (therefore I assume can't browse host either?) mean that these people definitely aren't sharing?

I am fairly new to Limewire, so please excuse if I'm being a bit dim - light will dawn eventually!
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2006
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Default Misunderstandings about "Sharing"

Dear KK & B2

I am a long time user of LW Pro and, from what you have posted, have a major misunderstanding of how the P2P system works.

For example, you claim that you are being blocked by certain hosts, how do you know this? If you cannot browse someone's shared files that does not mean you are being "blocked" or that you cannot download from him/her.

I use a firewall (NPF 2005) to protect my PC from attack and, I understand, that this could prevent my shared files from being browsed but it does not prevent people from downloading files from me. I know this by checking the monitoring screen in LW whereby I can see which files my PC is uploading.

I do not have "chat" enabled, does this make me a "bad person" or someone that does not want to share his files? No, it does not, it is my personal choice not to have "chat" on my PC.

Therefore, KK your heartfelt quote:
This thread was really about people I would see, day after day, taking files from me and having neither their share folder available nor their chat enabled. That's not called p2p; that's called greed.'

100% with you on this - many of my 'guests' show like this, but does not having chat enabled (therefore I assume can't browse host either?) mean that these people definitely aren't sharing?
is TOTALLY WRONG and is purely based on your misunderstanding of how LW works.

Now, as far as I understand, someone can prevent their files from being shared but an outside P2P user would never know it.

Also, there is a facility within LW that should prevent "freeloaders" from downloading your files but, when I last aired the subject, I was informed that the anti-freeload facility either didn't work or didn't work too well.

So, the simple fact is that you cannot tell whether another P2P user has blocked all his files purely by what you see on your screen.

UK Bob

PS. Perhaps you can suggest that the LW developers enhance the freeloader facility so that "freeloaders" can be ostracised by the P2P community.
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