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face pizza June 9th, 2006 10:32 AM

ip address plz
i need an ip address of someone to download hitchikers guide to the galaxy from. this would be very helpfull!:D


6_pac June 9th, 2006 10:37 AM

Sorry, this is not a request site. Read the Forum Rules reguarding copyright material.

face pizza June 9th, 2006 02:57 PM

hmmm. well this is limewire and without pirating limewire is actually nothing cuz limewire is illegal duh! and this is open discussion we can talk about anything duh!

Sleepless June 9th, 2006 03:09 PM

I have it, and you won't get it :p

P.S. go ***** yourself some more

Lord of the Rings June 9th, 2006 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by face pizza
... cuz limewire is illegal duh! and this is open discussion we can talk about anything duh!

LimeWire is not illegal. If it was, the authorities would have closed them down ages ago. The Gnutella network is also not illegal.

No this is NOT a piracy site! If you want to visit a piracy site from somewhere behind the iron curtain/wall then feel free to find such a one. If we allowed piracy talk on this forum it would have been forced to close down years ago. And yes that's happened to some other forums in the past.

face pizza June 9th, 2006 03:31 PM

dur! u stupid!
ehh? u use limewire at all u no limewire is completely based on piracey. plus if thats not enough u can illeggaly downloasd limwire pro off of limewire

Lord of the Rings June 9th, 2006 03:39 PM

You have no shame huh? Well you also haven't read the forum rules as requested earlier. And you're totally wrong in all your assumptions: you tell me ... where in this link does it say LimeWire supports piracy ...
Have you seen any comments on the site that you can download unlimited music or videos or games or other wares? Nowhere!!! Unfortunately you are one of a no. of ignorant people who have totally the wrong idea about what LW & gnutella are all about. Unfortunately for you your piracy attitude is not wanted on this forum. :rolleyes: :p

Neither are your dumb insults directed at the forum administrator. Whose face is in the pizza now huh?!

Peerless June 9th, 2006 04:17 PM it from me...

direct connect to IP addy 666.666.666.666 palm + nose = brain dead (which you are about to become)

Grandpa June 9th, 2006 04:48 PM

The intelligence of some of the people that come here just amaze me.I will bet Face Pizza IQ is off the scale.

Which scale I have no Idea I haven't seen one that goes that low.:eek:

wondering why June 9th, 2006 06:04 PM

He's a 13 yr old Twit, that thinks he knows it all....I dont even let my 13yr old anywhere near Limewire...Parents should monitior what their kids are doing...:D

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