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Myrmidan June 16th, 2006 01:48 PM

CONCERNED: Virus "Win32 PE/Patch"
After downloading the VLC media player from the site suggested in this forum, my anti-virus program (AVG) immediately detected the abovenamed virus.

Is Win32 PE/Patch really a virus? If so where can I donwload a virus-free VLC media player?

Any ideas anyone?

trevor57 June 16th, 2006 05:44 PM

I downloaded it off the site, done virus scans, didn't come up with anything.

daydo June 16th, 2006 07:49 PM

Myrmidan i seriously doubt that your account here is entirely accurate, not saying on purpose just that youre not sure exactly whats happened. Firstly put the link to the thread where you were told to get vlc and say exactly which post in the thread the link is in and i will check it and hopefully put ur suspicion to bed (or not lol). As far as im aware win 32 pe/patch is not a virus but is often used to pack with virus so may have been flagged as trace connection, as suspicious if you like. If infact there was a virus with the patch then i would like the name of it please. Did you delete the virus then vlc and then download again to test if it was actually the download that contained the virus it may have been dormant on your pc and the vlc download woke it, or it may have been dormant and just bad timing when it was discovered by ur av, ie would have been discovered at this precise time if u didnt download vlc, did you have av update definitions and thats y it was found. Are you indeed claiming it was in the set up file wiv vlc or attached via the webpage where you got vlc from.

AaronWalkhouse June 16th, 2006 07:56 PM

AVG had another false alarm on three parts of BitTorrent just yesterday but it was fixed immediately.
Since this might be the same false alarm try updating the AVG virus signatures and it will probably stop.

Myrmidan June 19th, 2006 03:41 AM

Anyways AVG seems to have contained it. Thanks guys

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