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fairlaneking June 16th, 2006 02:23 PM

Why can't I re-name some songs, after d'loding?
I get an ERROR message to the effect of the file is being used s/where WHAZZUP ?

I can re-name some files, but some I cannot. I know I should re-name them at the point of d/loding, but s-times forget...then when I want to ORGANIZE my files with the same Bold & hyphens, etc... some files, it won't let me do it..

So, again, Q: how do I make the file NOT in USE s-where else in my computer? Thx!

trevor57 June 16th, 2006 05:45 PM

do a restart, then immediatelly go and rename the files.

fairlaneking June 17th, 2006 01:14 AM

Trevor,....what do you mean do a "re-start"....?

Where is the restart button/option? (If u mean restart my computer,...well, I do that EVERY day when I turn it off, then turn it on, then click on Limewire.) That mustn't be what u mean,.....could you be more specific,...& please reply as if u are replying to an illiterate computer moron, here ( :) tell me to
1. click on .....this..., then 2. click on THAT....3. etc. Thx dude.:confused:

AaronWalkhouse June 17th, 2006 01:55 AM

Does it stop doing that when LimeWire is not running?

trevor57 June 17th, 2006 04:27 PM

Actually I was talking about restarting your computer, but try shutting down LimeWire, then find the files on your hard drive and rename them there.

fairlaneking June 17th, 2006 10:10 PM

trevor.... computer-illiterate idiot here... "locate it on your hard drive" ? ... i can't even get 2 socks the same color in the morning.

When I turn off my computer at nite, I assume Limewire goes off, too. When trying to rename a file, the error message says s-thing like

"Unable to rename the file "_________(ie. corey hart)_____.....It may be in use in another application" . In this particular case all's I wanted to do was Caps-lock & MAke it "Corey Hart"...same goes for dire straits ...DIRE STRAITS...u get the idea...

I don't get it. Why would it, & a few other files I cannot rename, be in use in another application, when all's I've done is d'lode them? (nothing else) Then, with other files I can rename them as easy as pie. I am baffled. I have even thought of just making a list of those files that pi## me off & just deleting them & d'lode the ones with the correct naming system I want ir "rename as...."

AaronWalkhouse June 17th, 2006 10:27 PM

Let's take a shortcut. This gizmo cuts through that problem directly: Unlocker

Once you get it installed right click your stuck files, unlock them and do whatever
you want. While you're at it, tell us what program had locked those music files. ;]

Sleepless June 18th, 2006 07:24 AM

If it's not a program but a process, your file might be seriously messed up and you should think about replacing them.

Tried that a few times with videofiles. Play fine but after watching them PC is sloooow. Need to restart. Using Unlocker it says if there are any processes connected to the file. If that's the case then there is more than the movie on the file. Haven't seen it yet with music but who knows what the misfits try next.

trevor57 June 18th, 2006 03:58 PM

i could take some screenshots for you which may help you... are you running Windows or Mac?

Sleepless June 18th, 2006 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by KathW
Windows Explorer is the one that normally hangs onto the file, Unlocker breaks it's fingers so it lets go :)

In my case not always Explorer. Sometimes there was a process which name resembled the title of the file

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