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XxPuggGurl92xX June 17th, 2006 03:10 PM

how to transfer to mp3 player???
ok, i need help. :confused: i can download the songs but i dont know what to do to get them to transfer to my Creative mp3 player. i really need help. im stuck listening to songs from like 3 years ago... i NEED HElP!!! :(

Sphinx June 17th, 2006 03:11 PM

Are you in Windows? What are you're specs? If in Windows, if using Limewire, you'll have to make a music folder on your c: drive, and label it 'My Music' then copy/paste the songs from your shared Limewire folder into your new music folder. If in Win XP the music should automatically upload to your player of choice.

XxPuggGurl92xX June 17th, 2006 04:55 PM

still wont confused
i have windows xp but its not just transfering them onto my mp3. i put the songs i wanted in the enqueue. but i dont know what to do after that. need more help. that was a good reply though. thanks for ur help.:(

da1nonly June 17th, 2006 05:01 PM

Go to My computer. Do you see your mp3 player in devices with removable storage? If so, drag the songs you want in there.

Sphinx June 17th, 2006 07:12 PM

The easy way would be to make a folder in your c: drive, label it 'My Music' then move the songs into it. You cant upload songs from your Limewire shared folder, copy/paste the MP3's into the new folder THEN you should be able to upload the songs to your player. You did as I suggested and they still wont play? Are you sure they are mp3's and not a playlist extension? Make sure the file extensions say MP3.

da1nonly June 17th, 2006 07:25 PM

She's trying to transfer them from Limewire. Go to where you save these songs, drag w/e songs you want into the name of the mp3 player.

Sphinx June 17th, 2006 07:32 PM

Right, and I just posted how to do that. She needs to be a bit more specific in her posts. In windows you dont need to drag, if she wants the songs out of her shared folder she can make a folder and move them onto her c: drive. which, is what I thought she wanted to do, if not she'll have to explain more about what she wants.

da1nonly June 17th, 2006 09:00 PM


Sphinx June 18th, 2006 01:53 AM


im stuck listening to songs from like 3 years ago.
Im not understanding this part. What do you mean by 3 years ago? Are you using the Limewire Player? Dont make Limewire your default Player. Change your default player in Windows to Creative mp3 player if that is your player of choice.

felixq78 June 18th, 2006 05:26 PM

Just go to the folder where LimeWire puts the mp3s, right click on the mp3 you wanna play then just go down the menu that pops up and click onto "open with". If the player you want to use is on the list that drops down just click it and bingo.
If it's not there click "choose program" if it's not on the next window click "browse" and do a manual search in your program files folder until you find the player you're seeking.

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