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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2006
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Default Norton vs. Mcafee which works better with LimeWire

Hello everyone I find myself at a bit of a dilemna. I currently have access to both Norton and Mcafee but do not know which one I should choose and was hoping for opinions on the matter. A few things you should know are the following. I got my new PC on Christmas and it came with a 15 month Norton Internet Security 2005 subscription. However I am a Comcast subsriber and I have a complimentary subscription to use the 2006 versions of Mcafee VirusScan, Personal Firewall, and Privacy Service free of charge as long as I continue to use Comcast. So I can either use Norton which is sort of outdated or I can use the newest version of Mcafee and also be able to update to the 2007 versions of Mcafee when they are released. It seems like Mcafee is the clear winner but many of Comcast's own employees such as the techs and phone representatives have told me they think Norton is better. Naturally I want the best software because I know there are many online threats on the gnutella network such as viruses, trojans, spyware etc and I want to make sure I am safe. Anyway personal expieriences using either of the two or just your opinion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2006
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Well Angry Pirate

You have got a dilemma and you have immediately made a wrong assumption, just because one software has 2005 and the other has 2006 that in itself does not make one software more up to date than the other. In fact version numbers and version dates are just marketing ploys invented back in the days when PCs were young, e.g. MS Word jumped from version 2.0 to 6.0, dbase V2.0 was very popular because people thought they were getting the latest version but there never was a dbase V1.0 and so on.

So, knock version numbers out of your head.

Now, I am a NIS2005 user and I am very happy with it, I have never used Mcafee and can't really say anything good or bad about it. However, your post contains a clue on how to make your decision, i.e. you said
many of Comcast's own employees such as the techs and phone representatives have told me they think Norton is better.
So, if Comcast's own people, the same people who are pushing McAfee, say that Norton is better then how can you argue with that.

One other thing I must point out to you, most software companies, except the small niche market ones, now seem to release software before they are ready, i.e. to a schedule, and update them (bug fixes, repairs, software updates, etc.) during the course of the coming year. Therefore, buying the latest "just released" product is not a good idea, you would be better of leaving that "just released" software until it has been out for a least 6 months (probably more).

UK Bob
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2006
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Thanks for the help ukbobboy01. But what I meant by outdated was not outdated compared to Mcafee but rather outdated compared to the new Norton Internet Security 2006. Also the part about the employees is true in the fact that they work for Comcast and think Norton is better. However I am sure employees in every occupation do not agree with their employers sometimes but that does not always make them correct. That is why I am asking people like you who do not work for either company.

Last edited by Angry Pirate; June 23rd, 2006 at 02:36 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2006
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I know mcaffee and norton don't go together. I had mcaffee on my computer once and installed norton because me and my mom thought it wouldnt fight with mcaffee. and it did! my computer was really slow, choppy, it would freeze and crash but i reformated windows and learned my lesson
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2006
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Pirate looks like uv made ur mind up to me u just want someone to convince you of ur decision. Uv been using macaffe ur happy wiv it right? Y change if your comfortable and happy wiv what ur using m8. As they say the grass is always greener over there. At the risk of offending some people on here who i know love norton im also gona add that norton sucks big donkey d1ck always has and probs always will anyone who trusts a home pc to those bozos is either an idiot or of low knoledge in the matter as far as im concerned (forum company excluded of course u guys are great) before i get some forumites telling me that i have no proof of this and its conjecture, dont bother cos i wont get into a argument its oppinions hes asked for and thats what im giving. Just to substansiate it a little norton was the 1st av i used in my early computer days and happily went alone for a year after wiv it till a mate who knew more than me then said it sucked i argued thats not true, he said ok test it, so i did just to prove him wrong. I did this test on a pc i was going to repair and reformat. I loaded into it every virus i could get hold of and name correctly at the time (actual no just over 100). I then proceeded in turn to set up update scan record the info and delete the program i did this twice for each av leaving the viruses unrepaired wiv each of norton avg free and avast.
The results were shocking at best wiv norton finding 12 on the first run and 14 on the second run inexplicably not recognising 2 virus on the 2nd scan that were spotted on the 1st so the total found was 16 on 2 passes of OVER A 100. Now u see y the idiot speech comes about. Incidently if ur interested avg found all but 6 on both scans and avast found all but 1 on both scans the offender being a email mugly trojan. So far as im concerned and always will be norton back up disks will and always will make expensive coffee coasters when i find 1 of em l8z.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2006
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IMO, Just forget the Norten and MCafee jive--- go for the AVG or AVAST. You won't be sorry that way!!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2006
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Hi People
Norton has also sent me an Email telling me and other users of thier product
to Uninstall any P2P software from my com,as its a critical security risk so
what are they up to. [Joining the oppersision]?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2006
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Originally Posted by mickjapa108
Hi People
Norton has also sent me an Email telling me and other users of thier product
to Uninstall any P2P software from my com,as its a critical security risk so
what are they up to. [Joining the oppersision]?
I would consider this fake and certainly wouldnt be clicking any links in it or attachments. If ur certain of its validity then it is no better than spam and looks like a desperate attempt by those morons to try to stop thier customers getting virused up with things that shows thier security programs up for the sh!t they are, its probs the result of a lot of thier customers complaining that they are using p2p and norton isnt finding viruses they have downloaded, so norton ar trying to go to the root and stop people getting the virus by default (not infecting themselves) rather than upgrading thier program like they should to be able to deal wiv the threats. Norton is the critical risk. If your very pc experienced fine use what ya like every one has thier tried and tested software, but if ur a noob or someone who has only ever used norton get a decent av.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2006
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Originally Posted by ukbobboy01
Now, I am a NIS2005 user and I am very happy with it, I have never used Mcafee and can't really say anything good or bad about it. However, your post contains a clue on how to make your decision, i.e. you said So, if Comcast's own people, the same people who are pushing McAfee, say that Norton is better then how can you argue with that.

UK Bob
Hi UK Bob.

I've used both Norton and McAfee and I would never use Norton again. Hell, my sister works for ITT Industries and if their IS Specialist switched the entire computer system from Norton to McAfee then it's obviously good. They had way too many problems with Norton. Just because the people at Comcast say that Norton's better it doesn't necessarily mean that it is.

I know that no anti-virus software will protect your computer 100% all of the time but I personally feel better knowing that our computer is protected by McAfee.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2006
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The first link has a direct comparison between Norton and McAfee. And daydo is full of it. I myself have done many test and have never seen results like he/she have posted. I have found that most of the better known AV are basically about the same. They will all find and protect your system of known viruses. If you happen to download an unknown virus then you will get infected. All of the major AV company's share info on new viruses and definitions/patches. Any way it is a matter of personal preference in what you wish to use McAfee is rated slightly higher than Norton but it also uses more resources than Norton. Both are good AV and will protect you.
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