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TezL July 3rd, 2006 02:55 AM
My searches currently result in around forty hits of around one hundred and fifty sources each which all open the internet site of 'http :/ www. artistdirect. com/?aff=gnnap' and less than a quarter of what I would normally get from genuine sources. If this company is going to start swamping Limewire how long before others jump on the bandwagon; you can identify the artistdirect because of the abnormally high number of results and the Browse Host feature being unavailable.

Lord of the Rings July 3rd, 2006 03:59 AM

This ability of those spammed files has been stopped with the newest LW version 4.12.3; get it here (or from your personal pro page if you're a pro user)

mee July 3rd, 2006 08:00 AM
Hi, I'm fairly new to limewire but I'm really frustrated as I can't download music files anymore. I keep getting redirected to the website. I have limewire 4.10.9. Do i now need to upgrade and pay for a newer version in order to eliminate being redirected to this website? I can't download from other sources with lower number of hits either. Please help!

Sleepless July 3rd, 2006 08:51 AM

Try the tips in this link. I use them and have never been redirected anywhere. If you still get redirected searching like that, then you probably have some adware on your comp.

How to find music :)

If still redirected, this thread has a lot of links to Antimalwareprograms

And this one has some more links:

WARNING: Viruses on network you should be aware of!

La La July 3rd, 2006 09:49 AM

yeah, i have the same problem as "mee". i'm pretty new to lime wire as well and some of my seraches get directed to that site.

Lord of the Rings July 3rd, 2006 09:51 AM

So did you update your LW to 4.12.3? That fixed it for others who were getting redirected by spam results.

CharliesChic76 July 3rd, 2006 09:51 AM

Will I Lose my files?

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings
This ability of those spammed files has been stopped with the newest LW version 4.12.3; get it here (or from your personal pro page if you're a pro user)

If I download the newer version of LW (free version), will I lose all my music and files that are saved in my current LW program? I'm having the same problem, being redirected to the ArtistDirect/Napster site. The major resolution seems to be to update LW. I definitely do not want to lose all the music I have though.
.....Survey says.....?

Lord of the Rings July 3rd, 2006 09:55 AM

You will only lose your music if you save it into your LW program folder. If you save it elsewhere such as the default location then no problems. The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\"your account name"\Shared

More about the redirect problem:

And the changes:

CharliesChic76 July 3rd, 2006 10:07 AM

One last question
[QUOTE=Lord of the Rings]You will only lose your music if you save it into your LW program folder. If you save it elsewhere such as the default location then no problems. The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\"your account name"\Shared

OK, it is set to default for storing the files. But, now I am wondering if I will have to switch back and forth between the old version and new version for songs or will the files merge, and the songs from the older version automatically appear in the new version? Is there a way to just update the LW program or do you just re download the whole program and do I uninstall the old version? Ok, I guess that's more than 1 question...but thanks for the help!!

Lord of the Rings July 3rd, 2006 10:12 AM

The new version will take over the downloads from the older version as if it was the same program. So nothing to worry about! ;) :) No uninstalling is necessary. LW will uninstall the other version at the beginning of the installation process.

BTW it's not wise to jump between versions as jumping backwards in versions "might" result in the downlds refusing to load. It depends on how much older the version is.

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