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dcfctilidie August 5th, 2006 06:24 AM

please help!!! bugs in limewire
alrite guys got a massive problem with limewire iv only got about 60 files that iv downloaded but for some reason theirs loads of zip folders that i havent downloaded their size is 197.7kb also their is a file which i think is the culprit of doin this which is o.okb size and its just got _ for the name and i cant delete it! i read somewhre that if you go to your location panel then you can get rid of them that way but as im new at this where is my location panel and how do i get to it??? iv tried deleteing limewire then installin it again but it just comes back with all the dodgey files still! also if i shut limewire down then it just starts up again on its own?? if someone could advise me on how to fix this so it will run normally again then please help!!!

Lord of the Rings August 5th, 2006 06:42 AM

Those files are virus. The general recommendation is to stay away from all files less than 2 MB (2,000 KB) in size. Almost all small files are virus or other spam. I would recommend registering at Norbie's site & follow his directions & he will help get rid of those files & get your computer back to normal; NorbiesWorld (click on link)

dcfctilidie August 5th, 2006 06:57 AM

just done that mate installed hijackthis and waitin for someones reply.thanks for the reply and i hopefully i can resolve the issue!

Lord of the Rings August 5th, 2006 07:02 AM

Norbie is on UK time ... shouldn't be too long for a reply with luck. Yes he has dealt with identical situations.

aarturo906 August 5th, 2006 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by dcfctilidie
alrite guys got a massive problem with limewire iv only got about 60 files that iv downloaded but for some reason theirs loads of zip folders that i havent downloaded their size is 197.7kb also their is a file which i think is the culprit of doin this which is o.okb size and its just got _ for the name and i cant delete it! i read somewhre that if you go to your location panel then you can get rid of them that way but as im new at this where is my location panel and how do i get to it??? iv tried deleteing limewire then installin it again but it just comes back with all the dodgey files still! also if i shut limewire down then it just starts up again on its own?? if someone could advise me on how to fix this so it will run normally again then please help!!!

Go To For Anti-Spy Sofware And/Or Go To For Anti-Virus Software. I Also Have Limewire But I Have No Problems With This Adware. Also You Can Try For Their Anti-Spy Program
Or Microsoft Windows Defender (Beta 2). They Are All For FREE.

Lord of the Rings August 5th, 2006 07:51 AM

LimeWire is not Adware!!! If you have an anti-adware program that thinks LW has adware, then it's not so good is it now!

dcfctilidie August 5th, 2006 09:47 AM

iv just dloaded that ewido and its found shedloads of infected files so will that help fix limewire?? cheers for you help

aarturo906 August 5th, 2006 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by dcfctilidie
iv just dloaded that ewido and its found shedloads of infected files so will that help fix limewire?? cheers for you help

Thanks. Hey,, Are The Same Company,
Except One,s For Anti-Spy And The Other One Is For Anti-Virus And They Work Great. Also Try Windows Defender (Beta 2). It,s A Great Help.
P.S. Try To Run Complete System Scans Every Day On Both Software,s, They Usually Both Run For About An Hour Or So, But It,s Worth It.
Just Be Patience.

garbagefan2 August 5th, 2006 11:29 AM

Just don't use pest patrol! It says p2p programs are bad. And it tells you to delete stuff that isn't even on your computer. That is what I call lazy developers that can't even make a decent program.

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